Random Scenario #2 Soulmate au

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Karkat ♋️ (first words on your wrist)


(Y/N) sighs they couldn't believe that was the first words their soulmate said to them. What were they going to do that will cause their soulmate to say that. "Hey maybe it's because they could be having a bad day.....hopefully" (Y/N) mumbles

They look up seeing that they were getting closer to home. They smile excited to sit back, relax, and take a nice bath to calm down. (Y/N) waits for the walk sign to turn green and crosses the street not seeing a car speeding. (Y/N) could feel time slow down as they see the car was about to hit them they close their eyes embracing for impact but it never hit them. "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID" (Y/N) looks up seeing her soulmate a troll with stubby horns he saved them. "Y-you s-aved me so-ulmate" (Y/N) manages to get out as the troll starts to blush pulling them into a tight hug "YOU NEVER FUCKING ALLOWED TO ALMOST GET FUCKING KILLED AGAIN!" (Y/N) hugs him back tightly knowing everything will be alright

Aradia ♈️ (countdown)


(Y/N) smiles finally they will get to meet their soulmate but a big surprise was that they were being lead to a cemetery. (Y/N) didn't care they were just happy to meet their soulmate plus they could take some cool creepy photos which were always fun to take.

They took out their camera and takes photos of the tombs and statues. The moonlight and stars make the pictures stand out more as fog slowly rolls in. (Y/N) smiles taking more photos when they suddenly see a troll in their photo. (Y/N) looks up as their eyes meeting the rust blooded troll's eyes as their timer goes off. "It's g00d t0 kn0w my s0ulmate likes creepy things t00 0u0" she said as (Y/N) takes another photo of her soulmate smiling "beautiful" (Y/N) said

Tavros ♉️ (where you meet is on your wrist))

Lulabay Lake

(Y/N) smiles widely they were finally getting to go to Lulabay Lake excited to find their soulmate. The drive would take a while but they were ready and headed out on the ten hour drive they weren't going to stop either. When they got close to the forest where the lake was (Y/N) fell asleep in a hotel.

They wake up around 12 pm and got dressed up nicely and headed to the lake. They were bouncing up and down waiting around for their soulmate to come. After a while (Y/N) decided to write so they could do something while waiting. (Y/N) looks up seeing the sun setting "it's already six....maybe they aren't here y-" they cut themselves off seeing a bronze troll roll up close to the lake he looks like he was waiting for someone. (Y/N) walks close to him seeing the troll looking at the tattoo the same one as theirs. "......soulmate?" They ask and the troll turns "uH IVE BEEN, uH WAITING FOR YOU" he said as (Y/N) tears up hugging him tightly as he hugs back

Sollux ♊️ (share eye color of soulmate)

(Y/N) was wondering who the hell their soulmate was and why do they have a whole red eye. "I'm still surprise that it doesn't stop them from seeing" (Y/N) mumbles. As they head to a nearby game store to get a new game they've been waiting for. It was a murder mystery game about a detective trap in an old house looking for clues about his soulmate's death.

They walk inside looking through the games when they see a glimpse of someone with their (E/C) they run over to the person but no it wasn't their soulmate. "Sorry thought you were them" (Y/N) said blushing from embarrassment "it's fine um have a nice day" the person said walking away. They sigh looking up seeing the game (Y/N) and reaches out for it their hands meeting someone else's. Their eyes meet and slowly changes "heh hello theiir 2oulmate gue22 ii get a game and a priize" he said

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