When they get jealous of your cuddle buddy

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(A/N: this is your cuddle buddy a stuff red panda name taboo also sorry late update but I'm out of school finally)

Karkat ♋️

Karkat has his arm around (Y/N) as they were leaning on his shoulder watching movies together. But Karkat's eyes kept looking back at taboo in their arms he starts to wonder if he should toss it out the window

"HEY HOW ABOUT YOU TOSS THAT THING IN THE CLOSET" Karkat suggests ".....no un-less you want to take his place" (Y/N) says then Karkat grabs taboo and tosses Taboo in the closet and takes his place making (Y/N) chuckles

Aradia ♈️

(Y/N) would actually have Aradia pose with Taboo for photos and other things. Aradia never minds helping (Y/N) it was an excuse to spend time together while (Y/N) was at the studio they work at without any of (Y/N)'s coworkers or manager getting onto them about wasting time.

"Thank you again for posing your the best" (Y/N) said kissing aradia on her cheek and takes taboo hugging it "(Y/N) why d0nt y0u we cuddle when we get h0me" Aradia suggests sneakily takes taboo away and puts behind her as she hug (Y/N) kissing their cheek back

Tavros ♉️

Tavros smiles watching (Y/N) napping with taboo they must have tired themselves out from their date. He puts a blanket over them as they lay on the couch. Taboo just stares at the nothingness but not like Tavros notices.

"uH I L-OVE YOU" Tavros mumbles kissing their head and lays beside (Y/N) cuddling them tightly moving Taboo onto his wheel chair so he could have more room on the couch

Sollux ♊️

Sollux doesn't like taboo well it doesn't take (Y/N)'s play time from him but still he doesn't like Taboo. Plus taboo creeps him out a bit it just stares at him whenever he sees it with (Y/N).

"(Y/N) put that thiing away iit2 a creepy thiing" Sollux said "huh he's adorable sol" (Y/N) pouts cuddling taboo sticking their tongue out then Sollux uses his psionics and tosses taboo away and brings (Y/N) close to him and pats their head

Nepeta ♌️

It is quite funny seeing Nepeta hiss trying to scare off taboo. But (Y/N) has to admit it does get hard trying to make sure Nepeta doesn't use taboo as a cat toy. Or just try to tear him apart whenever they try to put taboo away.

"Nepeta please stop trying to tear taboo apart" (Y/N) said holding taboo away from Nepeta ">:33> not till it stops stealing what's mew" Nepeta hisses (Y/N) sighs "if I put it away will you stop trying to rip it to shreds?" ">:33> fine but I demeond cuddles to feed meow hunger" Nepeta hisses out as (Y/N) runs to hide away taboo then gets tackle by Nepeta lots of cuddles that day

Kanaya ♍️

Kanaya doesn't mind taboo plus she uses him to help model clothes with (Y/N). There are some days we're she wishes to chainsaw him up (like she did with eridan! Not sorry!) "(Y/N) Love Would You Put Away Your Stuff Animal I Wish That We Spend Time Together" Kanaya ask "of course why don't we go outside and relax" (Y/N) suggests walking over to Kanaya and kisses her head.

Terezi ♎️

"WHY DO YOU H4V3 TH1S 1T DO3SNT 3V3N SM3LL TH4T GR34T?" Terezi ask holding taboo by the tail "because he was a gift from my dad" (Y/N) says taking taboo and cuddling it "YOU M34N YOUR LUSUS OR WH4T3V3R?" terezi ask "yes and you better not hang him especially since he's an innocent stuff animal" (Y/N) said walking over to the kitchen as terezi pouts "1TS ST34L1NG MY PL4C3 YOU C4NT PROT3CT IT FOR3V3R!" Terezi exclaims

Vriska ♏️

"(Y/NNNNNNN) toss that thing away!" Vriska whines "no taboo is precious to me!" (Y/N) pouts holding onto Taboo tightly "ugh 8ut I want to have fun with you ;;;;)" Vriska says making (Y/N) blushes as they cover their face with taboo and Vriska takes that moment to grab taboo and toss him into another room and kisses (Y/N) and they kiss back "much 8etter" Vriska smirks

Equius ♐️

Equius was not one to get jealous without reason but he couldn't lie to himself that he wasn't a tiny bit jealous of (Y/N)'s stuff animal. It was just they shower it with lots of cuddles, hugs, and sleep with it when (Y/N) could just do that with him. But it keeps them happy so it help with his jealousy.

Today though....wasn't one of those days. (Y/N) was on the couch cuddling taboo as equius sits next to them his eyes keeps looking at taboo he stars to sweat. "D—> (Y/N) may I see your stuff animal?" He ask and they nod handing equius taboo. Equius got up and places him on top of a rather tall bookshelf "Equius....why?" (Y/N) ask "D—>......I was a little jealous..." equius mumbles and walks over to (Y/N) gently wraps his arms around them.

Gamzee ♑️

Gamzee never cares about what (Y/N) does with Taboo. Gamzee saw Taboo as something to take his spot as (Y/N)'s cuddle buddy whenever he couldn't be there. Sometimes he even talks to Taboo about anything.

But everything change when Gamzee walks over to a napping (Y/N) ready to cuddle. "AlL rIgHt MoThErFuCkEr My TuRn HoNk" Gamzee said to taboo "....." "wHaT yOu MeAn No ItS mY tUrN" "....." "MOTHER FUCKER ITS MY FUCKING TURN HONK!" Gamzee shouts waking up (Y/N) "huh what's going on gamgam?" They ask yawning as Gamzee holds onto them tightly glaring at taboo

Eridan ♒️

Oh by Poseidon's beard was Taboo Eridan's worst rival ever! Whenever he sees (Y/N) cuddling it he just wants to rip it apart the only reason he hasn't is because (Y/N) told him that if Eridan did he wouldn't get any cuddles or kisses for years.

And now he watches (Y/N) walking around with Taboo on their shoulder "oh my cod (Y/N) wwould you please put it awway?" Eridan ask as he wraps an arm around their waist and holds Taboo by its tail "hehe you're really jealous of him" they chuckle kissing Eridan's cheek

Feferi ♓️

Feferi never cares what (Y/N) do with taboo as long as at she gets free reign to steal all the cuddles away. One time though (Y/N) hands Feferi taboo to her and smiles looking at her.

"(Y/N) w)(at ar—E you smiling aboat?" Feferi ask "It's just you so cute holding stuff animals" (Y/N) tells her chuckling making feferi blush a bit

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