Chapter 32

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#ILWTG32 Chapter 32

I stayed up all night thinking about what Yago told me... Save me? Leaving me was the only way to save me? Didn't he ever consider just telling me the reason why? Hindi ako bata. Maiintindihan ko kung anuman iyong dahilan niya... The least he could've done was not to drive me crazy thinking of why he left... just like that. He tortured me for so long wondering what went wrong because everything felt so right between us... Iyong tipo na hindi ako naniniwala sa soulmates... but after I met him? I believed that he's mine...

But I was wrong.

He didn't trust me enough.

He didn't think I was mature enough.

He just... left.

I felt like I was drowning with the thoughts of him... And I didn't want that. I didn't need that. Agad akong nag-ayos para pumunta sa office. I wasn't sure if it's a good thing that I was burying myself in work... na para bang trabaho na lang ang meron ako. But I needed this distraction. I didn't want the thoughts of him to devastate me again.

The office was open... always open for people like me who didn't have anything going on except for work. Pagdating ko sa office, agad kong nakita na bukas ang ilaw sa opisina ni Sancho.

"Hey," I said, after knocking on his door and opening it. There were tons of papers and his laptop on the desk. "Busy ka?"

Nilahad niya iyong kamay niya habang naka-turo sa mga papel sa lamesa niya. "Looks like it, right?"

I rolled my eyes. Ang sungit. "Fine."

"What do you want?"

"I'm gonna write the draft for the appeal. Pwede ko bang ipabasa sa 'yo mamaya? Though okay lang naman if hindi," sabi ko sa kanya. Alam ko naman na 'di trabaho ni Sancho na tulungan ako, but I really wanted this to go smoothly. I wanted to prove to myself that I could do it.

He nodded. "Yeah, sure. Just send it to my email."

Nagpasalamat ako bago bumalik sa cubicle ko. Pero mabilis akong mapa-hinto nang makita ko iyong lamesa ni Yago... iyong lamesa niya na halos hindi niya nagagamit dahil sa rooftop na yata siya nagta-trabaho lagi.

Huminga ako nang malalim.

It was his decision—a stupid one at that—to follow me here. I knew that any firm would accept him because of his last name... and because of the fact that he's top 4 during his BAR exam. Sure, he forfeited his first time because of me and that's on his permanent record... but I couldn't deny that he's brilliant.

I witnessed it all.

I was by his side then.

But that was all in the past.

I grabbed my earphones and blasted a song. I had always enjoyed listening to 8D songs... but of course I couldn't do that anymore. It just hurt that every little thing reminded me of him. He was like ink permanently etched on my skin.

My eyes were already hurting when I finished the very rough draft of my paper. Agad kong sinend iyon kay Sancho. I rested for a while before I went to the shower area. Some lawyers really love doing overtime... like me. I have spare clothes here just in case.

Nang matapos akong maligo at mag-ayos, dumiretso ako sa labas. It was already 6am, pero mamaya pa ang pasok namin. And I couldn't read any more paper because I felt like my head was already about to explode from all the information. Agad akong naglakad papunta sa pinaka-malapit na coffee shop. I was about to ignore Sancho who was having his coffee, but my eyes saw that he was reading my draft.

In Love With The Game (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon