Chapter 1

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Im sorry it took so long! I hope you like it! Please let me know what you think


“Where are you going Harry?” Zayn asked him from the couch as he walked towards the front door in a sweatshirt and jeans. “Out.” Harry replied dryly as he left the house. 

Zayn looked over at Louis, who sat on the loveseat next to the couch, giving him a ‘What the hell’  look. He shrugged his shoulders, rolling his eyes. Harry had been acting extremely weird lately. He had actually been acting weird for a while now, at first Zayn thought it was just a phase, but he had been getting worse. 

“Why doesn’t he ever talk to me anymore?” Zayn asked. Louis looked at him, “He hasn’t been talking to any of us much.” Niall said. “He wont even say two words to me. Anytime I say anything to him, he gives me one word responses.” Zayn stated. 

They all sat in silence, going over possible reasons Harry would be acting like that. “I’m going to take a shower.” Zayn said suddenly. “Want me to come?” Liam said with a cheeky smile and a wink. “Alone.” Zayn said dryly, just as Harry did, before walking away. 

It was now Liam’s turn to look at Louis giving him the ‘What the hell’  look.


Zayn laid in his bed, his room door locked. He hadn’t left his since he got in there to go take a shower. After two hours of Zayn being in his room, Louis, Liam and Niall began taking turns knocking on the door, trying to get Zayn out of there to make sure he was fine. Zayn ignored them laying in his bed, running over reasons why Harry would be mad at him. 

He had always been closest to Harry, other than Louis. Harry and Louis’ relationship was more of… Well, what the fans called a bromance. But Zayn and Harry were like brothers. They told each other everything and they always fought, but never to the point where they didn’t talk. So why was Harry acting like this?

Was it because of him and Liam? Had Zayn been acting more distant from Harry and not realized it? Did he say something wrong?

The biggest question was why did Zayn care this much? He never got this worked up when him and one of the other lads were arguing. He usually didn’t care. If someone wanted to be mad at him, then fuck them. Why not now?


Harry looked down at his phone, Louis had been texting him since he left.

L: Where did you go lad?

H: Out. Like I said.

L: Is something bothering you?

H: No, I’m fine. Why?

L: You have been acting weird lately.

H: Well, there is nothing wrong. 

L: Are you sure? 

H: Yeah. 

L: You can tell me anything.

H: Louis. There is nothing wrong. Can we just drop this now!?

L: Not until you tell me whats bothering you. I can tell there is something wrong. You’re my best friend, I know when your upset. Tell me.

H: I said nothing! Why don’t you just leave me alone, it is none of your business!

L: We will talk about this later.

He stuck the phone back in his pocket and sighed. “Another one over here!” Harry yelled at the bartender. And within seconds, another glass full of alcohol was in his hands, making its way down his throat. 

He set the glass down on the counter. Half of the glass emptied already. Harry wished there was a way to stop this. This whole Zayn and Liam thing. It was so annoying. They were everywhere.

And when they sat cuddled up on the couch.. A shiver went up Harry’s spine. Seeing them so ‘in love’ made his blood boil. Tears began to sting in his eyes, and soon his cup was back at his lips, alcohol pouring down his throat. 

And he continued, washing his damned feelings away.


He heard the thumping of the furniture and quickly jumped up, his eyes opening wide. It felt as though his heart was pounding through his chest. Who the hell could possib-

He cut his thoughts off remembering that Harry had gone out last night. 

Zayn looked over to Liam who snored, sound asleep. He was such a cute sleeper. Zayn crinkled his nose to go along with his thoughts. 

He left the room, swiftly making his way down the stairs. He was no longer tired, the noises had woken him up completely. 

As soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs, he heard another bang, coming from the living room. “Harry?” Zayn asked, the moaning figure on the floor. “Hm?” it responded. “Harry, what are you doing?” Zayn asked moving over to him, helping him up.

“I just.. I just got home.” he forced out. “Yeah, I see that.” Zayn said looking at the front door, which was left wide open. Zayn propped Harry up on the couch before walking over, shutting and locking the door. 

“Zayn?” Harry asked. “Yeah?” he responded, slinging Harry’s arm over his shoulder. “I-I… I uhh..” Harry huffed, obviously frustrated at his inability to speak. Zayn chuckled at his drunken friend. “Your what Haz?” 

Harry turned his head to face Zayn’s, “I tired.” he finally got out. Zayn chuckled again. Harry sounded like a five year old. “Okay,” he said, “Lets go to bed.” 

Zayn led Harry to his room, helping his change and tucking him in bed. “Goodnight Haz.” Zayn said heading for the door. 

“Wait!” Harry shouted a little too loud. “What!? What?” Zayn asked, quickly moving back over to his younger friend. Harry grabbed Zayn’s hand, once it was in reach. “Sleep with me?” he asked. “Harry I-” “Please.” Harry cut him off with a pouting face. “I need someone to cuddle with.” 

“I have to go back to Liam. I don’t want him to wake up alone. I wi-” “Forget it.” Harry said dryly throwing Zayn’s hand down. Zayn waited a moment, contemplating the idea. “Okay.” he said moving underneath the blanket, cuddling up next to Harry. 

He didn’t want Harry to hate him more than he already did. 

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