Chapter 12

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"Liam please." Harry begged as the older boy brushed past him towards the stairs and stopped at the top of them waiting a second before speaking.

"You know Harry," He took a deep breath, "I thought... I thought you were one of my best friends." With that he began descending the stairs. Harry followed after him. 

"I know. And I'm sorry. What I did was horrible but that doesn't mean I don't love you Liam. You're my brother." 

"No." Liam stopped him. "I'm not. No person would ever do something like that to their brother." 

"What was I supposed to do Liam!?" Harry shouted after him as he approached the front door where three bags were waiting for him. "I love him! I couldn't help myself! What do you want from me? To deny myself the happiness of love!?"

"Yes!" Liam said sharply as he stopped and turned around. There were tears in his eyes.

"Harry he was MINE. You may have loved him, but so did I. And I got to him first so that means you get over it and move on. Not break your best friends heart." Liam shook his head as tears began rolling down his cheeks. "How selfish are you?" He asked.

"I'm sorry!" Harry shouted, his voice cracking. "I'm so sorry.." He whispered as Liam picked up his bags and exited the cold house.


"Well what the hell do you want me to do about that!?"

"I don't know just do something! You're the only one that isn't at fault here!"

"Psh! Yeah right!"

"Well I'm sick of this bull shit!"

"That's enough!" The familiar voice shouted. The two boys looked over to find Simon Cowel standing in the dressing room door. 

"You two, go find Liam, Harry and Zayn. I want you all back in this room in five minutes." The two boys did as he said.

"What the hell is going on here?" Simon asked. Nobody answered.

"Why do you all hate each other all of the sudden?" He continued questioning. Again nobody answered.

"Is this ever going to go away or do we have to take drastic measures?" Their eyes widened. They knew what that meant. In band talk, that meant either breaking up the band or kicking someone out. And their stomachs dropped. As much as the did pretty much despise each other at this point, Louis hating Harry and Zayn, Zayn hating Louis, Harry hating Louis, Liam hating all of them and Niall hating nobody, breaking up the band or letting someone go would be the hardest thing for them to ever do. They had made so many good memories and changed peoples lives together. How could they let go of that?

"Alright, well can you at least tell me whether this is a fight about something specific or if you lads just aren't getting along anymore?" There was silence. "Anyone?" He asked. "Niall."

Niall felt his heart stop. He didn't want to be the one to have to explain this to Uncle Si.

"Well..." The Irish boy contemplated how to go about explaining the situation. "We all-" He stopped himself, "All except for Liam. Have done some pretty shitty things to each other recently. And I guess we are finding it hard to forgive each other." Niall said and there was silence. 

"Although we can't really blame Liam because the things done to him were pretty unforgivable." He shot a glance over to where Harry was sitting.

"Does anyone care to share with me what these shitty things are?" Simon asked and nothing but silence followed.

"Alright." He sat thinking for a moment before filling the room with his voice, making sure each boy heard every word he spoke. "This is not how a band of five best friends acts. Therefor..." He paused, "If this arguing and ignoring each other doesn't end in the next two weeks, this band is over." 

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