Requested by _Emo_Mango_Zjeb_
"Hey! Wait up!"
You slowed, but didn't stop completely at the voice of your childhood friend running up to you. Soon enough, she was at your side, blabbering and gesturing wildly.
"Hello, Sayori," you said blankly, not looking at her.
"Hi, Y/N~" she hummed, smiling up at you.
You smiled back, turning back to the street in front of you. Sayori was your childhood friend, and... well, she made you feel funny. You never really cared much about the feelings of others, but she really made you feel like opening up.
Her expectant voice caused you to jump. "Right...?" She asked, looking into your eyes.
You shook your head slightly, yawning a bit. "Sorry, I wasn't listening," you remarked bluntly, causing Sayori to click her tongue in disapproval. "Tch! Y/N!" She laughed, causing you to laugh a little yourself.
The moment you two got to school and had to separate to go to respective lockers, your smile fell flat and you were back to your usual pessimistic, blunt self.
Your day went by as any other would, occasionally coming into contact with a member of the Literature Club and having a quick chat. Soon, though, time came for you to attend one of the meetings, with your new poem directed towards how you felt about people.
Upon your entrance, Monika smiled and waved, looking up from the clipboard resting in her grasp. "Oh, hey!" She said, causing Natsuki and Yuri to greet you as well.
"Hi, everyone," you said in a monotone voice before steering closer to Sayori. You felt the smile grow on your face as you plopped down in the seat next to her.
She flashed you one of her day-brightening grins that warmed your heart, before holding up a sheet of paper. On it, were the heads of Monika, Yuri, Natsuki, you, and herself.
"Do you like it...?" She asked, opening her mouth slightly to show her curiosity for your answer.
You nodded a little. "Yeah, it looks pretty good," you said, looking down at the sketches.
You were about to turn back to your bag and read back over to the poem you'd written for that day, when suddenly, Sayori tapped your shoulder. "Hey, I have an idea!" She chirped, making you turn back. "Yes?"
"How about we go to the park after the meeting?" She asjed, looking at you with hopeful eyes. For some reason, you just couldn't say no.
You shrugged. "Okay."
Sayori smiled, lightly holding your arm with her soft hands. "Yay~" she hummed, before letting go of you and allowing you to do whatever you were planning to. So, you went to read over your poem, forcing yourself to ignore the unusual thoughts you were having.
"Alright, everyone!" Monika called, a composition notebook held against her chest. "Let's see your poems!"
You instinctively chose to slide your poem in Sayori's direction, but she was already standing up and trotting over to Yuri. You sighed lightly, and trudged over to Monika.
"Greetings, Y/N!" She said with a smile. She flipped to a page in the notebooj, bookmarked by a finger, before giving it to you. You exchanged your own sheet of paper, before getting to work on reading Monika's.
You finished after a while, and set it down on the desk in front of her. "It was nice," you said, staring at Monika whilst waiting for a response from her.
She smiled warmly at you. "Yours was very nice too!" She stated, causing you to nod and thank her. After that, you walked straight to Sayori, who was finished with Yuri. You couldn't help but smile the closer you got to her.
"Hello again!" She laughed, thrusting the sheet of paper your way. You accepted it gingerly, offering her your own.
The most prominent features of the poem were the words, written in blue pen, and the large brown stain on the center of the page. After reading it, you passed it back to her.
"Nice," you said, before taking your own paper back from Sayori. "But what's the brown stuff?"
"Oh..." Sayori held her arms behind her bacj, averted her gaze, and giggled sheepishly. "Uh, syrup."
You titled your head a quarter of an inch to the side. "And why is a syrup stain on your poem?" You pressed, succeeding only in making Sayori blush pink.
"M-my schedule is busy, okay?!" She pouted defensivly, arms crossed over her chest. You knew for a fact that Sayori's so-called schedule consisted of nothing more than anyone else's, but you chose to keep silent.
"For being written so last-minute, it's pretty nice," you added, a little grin on your face.
She beamed, and your heart felt like it was smiling back.
You were reading a novel you'd purchased a few days ago, when Monika cut into the mental voice reading the words. "Alright everyone, it's time to go!" She announced, making her iconic pose. "I'll see you all tomorrow!"
You took your simple bookmark out or your bag and dropped it lightly in between the pages. You proceeded by slipping the book among your other things, and taking your bag in your hands. Just as you were about to walk to the door, you heard the rapid footsteps behind you and turned to Sayori.
"Were you gonna leave without me?!" She cried out, squeezing through the doorway beside you. "Meanie!"
You laughed. Then your entire brain stopped working.
You laughed. You.
You never laughed. Sayori, some girl who could have been as insignificant as the next one, made you laugh.
How did she that...?
As you walked to your neighborhood with Sayori, indulging in the same usual chit-chat you always do, the idea of Sayori floated around in your head. You couldn't help but wonder, did you have some sort of feelings for her?
Before you knew it, you were at your houses. You nodded towards Sayori's, smiling at her. "There you go," you whispered, unable to stop staring into her mesmerising blue orbs.
She smiled as well, staring right back at you. "I... okay, thanks," she said softly, backing away towards her front door.
Your stomach was swimming. Your heart was beating rapidly. And you needed confirmation for your feelings.
"Sayori, wait," you yelled. She stopped walking and turned towards you, the look on her face almost unbearably loveable.
You gulped. "I just wanted to say..."
Just do it.You closed your eyes, trembling as you leaned forwards, towards Sayori's beautiful, perfect, most likely delicious lips. And you kissed them. You toughed your lips to them, and you puckered then, and you hugged her around the waist to complete one of the most basic acts of love.
She kissed back.
You stumbled back, stunned that she didn't break your nose. In fact, she looked quite pleased. "Did you really mean that?!" She asked, the enthusiasm levels in her voice raising to dangerous highs.
Words. There were so many of them in your language, but for now, most of them had disappeared from your brain. But, you forced your vocabulary to reassemble so you could just say...
"I love you."
It seemed like it was her turn to lose her voice. But the warm hug she proceeded to trap you in said a million words.
cheesier than cheese

Doki Doki Literature Club Oneshots
FanfictionThis book sucks Four innocent girls, each so different from one another. Monika, the confident club president, Sayori, the aloof vice president, quiet treasurer Yuri, and cute secretary Natsuki. But when a boy comes into their lives, it's and all-fo...