Yuri x Child Reader

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Requested by EirinWriter
I didn't have many ideas for this, so it's boring and it sucks. Sorry about that oof

You weren't much like any of the kids in your class. Most of them liked to curse and fight and flunk their tests and break all of the school's rules in an attempt to provoke the teachers. Honestly, you found it kind of disappointing.

You, on the other hand, kept to yourself. You didn't have many friends, and you found your company in books. They took you to so many different and interesting worlds, letting you feel like you were actually a character in a story. Maybe you were, and some bigger version of you was reading about you right now. But that was stupid.

You blinked a couple of times, trying to snap back into reality. When you did,you saw the bookstore, looming high above your head. You walked in quickly, your parents trailing slowly behind.

You looked around. The bookstore always had that nice, comfy vibe to it. Large bookshelves over a soft blue carpet, with a black staircase that led to the children's books. You had grown out of those.

Before you were able to browse through the content of the bookstore, your mom called your name. You turned to her, and the small wad of money she was offering out.

Your father spoke first. "We know you're old enough to be responsible for yourself, so we're gonna give you 30 dollars," he explained calmly. You nodded as your mother continued. "We're going to be at the cafe just across from here. The moment you finish buying things, please come there, okay?"

You nodded again. "Okay."

"Okay." Your father and mother turned away from you, walking out of the store. You continued on your way, focused entirely on the horror section. The first thing you noticed once you stepped into the section was... purple.

The purple quickly turned into long hair, which you then realized was on a tall woman, who was clearly much older than you but still very young for an adult.

She was wearing a beige turtleneck sweater and a pair of long, black leggings, along with a pair of some black shoes you weren't able to see the brand of.

It was only then that you noticed how much attention you were paying to this random stranger. Maybe I should just talk to her? You thought, walking up to her.

You did just that, tugging on her sleeve just as she pulled a book from the shelf. "Um, miss?" You asked, noting her beautiful lavender eyes.

She looked down at you, and backed away, blushing lightly. "Sorry, was I in your way?" She asked nervously, using one hand to fiddle with her violet hair.

"No, no!" You said, rapidly shaking your head. The girl, who had been backing away, suddenly stopped and placed her hand by her side again. "I'm glad..." She murmurred, a small smile of relief on her mature face. "Anyway, if I wasn't in your way, what did you need?"

You looked down at your feet, your face pinkening just a bit. "W-well, I honestly just came to say hi..." You admitted, only realizing how stupid it was when you said it. What kind of weird child walks up to a random adult, just to say hi?

She smiled at you, tucking a strand of dark violet hair behind her ear. "Well, in that case, hi," she giggled, holding her book behind her back.

You tried to peer behind her to read the title of her book, so she held it in front of her so you'd get a better view. "It's called Portrait of Markov," she explained, a glimmer of fascination in her lavender eyes. "It's about a girl who moves in with her long-lost sister, but then-" She bit her lip, looking at the book and then at the floor. "A-Ah, I won't spoil it..."

You nodded, smiling just a little. "I understand."

Yuri looked to the side, her lips parted. She looked deep in thought. "Well, it's actually a... kind of creepy book. There's a lot of gore. But you seem like a mature child."

You nodded rapidly. "I-I am!" You cried, maybe a bit too enthusiastically. She closed her eyes as the edges of her mouth pulled up. "I'm glad!" She opened her eyes. "Would you like to buy a copy?"

Playing around with the edges of your shirt, you thought. Yuri was so sophisticated and refined. But you didn't want her to think that you purchased it only because of her.

You visibly swallowed and met her glowing purple eyes.

Screw it.

"Sure!" You said happily, slipping the red book off of the shelf and holding it to your chest. "Do you have any more suggestions?"

Hold up, did you just ask her for more book reccomendations? What kind of idiotic proposition was that?!

But it was too late. Her eyes lit up. "How much money do you have?" She asked in interest.

You inaudibly sighed. "30 dollars," you muttered.

She slowly nodded. "Well, after buying Portrait of Markov, that should drop you down to about 22 dollars..." She hummed. You looked at her face. She seemed to be scanning the bookshelf for cheap but worthwhile reading material. After a moment of contemplation, she pulled another book out. The cover was pitch black, with a pale and almost transparent blue tree and rope swing. Strange white text on the front read, "Open ."

"What about this one?" She asked, genuine curiosity in the soft tone. "It's about a girl who realizes that she's incredibly sensitive to spiritual activity. And-" she stopped herself, shoving it in your hands along with Portrait of Markov. "Once you buy that, you'll have about 16 dollars. Is that alright?"

You nodded quickly, eyes shining at Yuri's smart elegance. This sort of thing continued, until you had an armfull of interesting books with minimal change left over.

You looked at the titles in your arms, then back up at Yuri, giving her a friendly smile. "Thank you for helping me get these books!" You said brightly. Yuri sighed softly and took a step back. "You're welcome."

You looked at the floor quickly. "But my mom and dad will probably be expecting me to come soon..." You said, honestly disappointed to have to leave Yuri. "They're really overprotective, and they'll get worried..."

She smiled sympathetically to you. "Oh, I see..." She whispered. You weren't sure, but you had a feeling that she was a bit sad about you parting.

You slowly backed away to the front desk so you could pay for the books when you heard Yuri's voice from behind you again. "Wait!"

You stopped walking and turned back, waiting for her to speak.

She began to fidget with her hair, looking off to the side. "This is kind of embarrassing to ask, but..." She turned back to you. "Do you have a phone?"

"Of course!" You answered, whipping it out. "Why?"

Yuri gulped, staring at the tips of your shoes in clear discomfort. You weren't sure what to say. Finally, she spoke up. "Would you... like to exchange numbers?" She said in a soft voice. "N-not like in a romantic kind of way, just as f-friends...?"

You nodded. "Yeah! Let's do it!" Okay, calm down before you make her think you're a complete loser.

You opened your contacts, and entered Yuri's number as she told it to you. She did the same for you, and soon you had each other's numbers secured into your phones.

You walked off to pay for your things, still proud that you manages to get her number.

How do I write this without making Yuri sound like a pedophile plz send help

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