Chapter 4

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"Thats enough you lowlife"

The thick Australian accent was familiar...

He took the bowl of spaghetti from Stacy's freshly manicured hands and placed it on the table.

"Ill take that" he pulled off the rose from her.

A hand was reached out to me and i took it, lifting me up.

"You alright?"

I looked up to see a pair of radiant blue eyes.


"Yeah" he brushed off all the pieces of spilt food and handed me a black leather jacket.

"I saw what happened, she purposely tripped you, i couldnt just watch"

I felt warm teardrops fall from my eyes.

"Shhhh, its ok, come on, lets get out of here"

I wanted to be any where but here right now, and thankfully luke knew that.

I felt myself being pushed away from the cafeteria, i didnt know where we were going since i decided burying my face into Luke's chest.

I felt safer that way.

After a long walk he finally stopped.

I pulled myself away from the warmth of Lukes chest and looked around.

We were at the old abandoned part of the school at the back, at the old kindergarten playground.

I sniffed and wiped my tearstained cheeks.

I felt a hand placed on my back, rubbing soothing circles.

It was quiet for a long time.

"You feel better?" After minutes of silence and sitting on the grass.

I nodded a yes.

"You know, i've never brought anyone to this place before" he said.

"This is where i always go to think, just think, a place to get away from the world"

"I never meant to intrude in your private space, im sorry" i told him as i started getting up but he pulled me back down in the grassy ground.

"No, dont go, dont be silly, you're not intruding, its actually nice to finally have someone with me here"

I looked down on my messy body and winced at the thought of walking around campus with a mess of myself.

"I like your shirt" Luke piped up.

I was wearing a black "Panic! At the disco" loose tank top with a pink skinny jeans.

"If you love me let me go"

He started singing.

"Thanks, but its all ruined now so....Yeah" i said sadly.

"Messed up or not, you still look pretty" he said placing the rose behind my ear.

Our eyes met, we stared at each other for awhile before my phone suddenly rang.

Luke shifted his stare at the sky.

"Hello?..... yeah..... no, im im cutting class today.."

I saw Luke stare back at me with a side smile and his eyebrows raised in amusement.

" dont understand....ok, the car key is in my locker, combination is 5767....ill see you at home... bye" i sigh deeply after hanging up.

"Cutting class??" Luke asked.

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