- Chapter 3 -

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2:46 am || Jiyeon's pov

I suddenly woke up from having a bad dream. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 2:46 am. I sat up on my bed and then remembered that I wasn't in my room. Then memories of the last 24 hours flashed before my eyes. Since it was early in the morning, I decided to find a way to escape. No one should be up at this time... right? I got out of my room and opened the door. I popped my head out and looked right then left. It was all clear. I quietly tip-toed downstairs. I made it downstairs but then suddenly I heard a voice.

"What are you doing up at this time princess?" I was fucking scared to look back so I just ran. I ran and ran hoping he wouldn't catch up to me but then I got pushed against the wall. I groaned in pain. He suddenly pinned my arms above my head. "Didn't I tell you not to run?". I didn't respond. "I'm asking you something princess". He came closer to my neck and I can feel his hot breath against my skin which sent my shivers all over my body.

"I just w-wanted something t-to drink, t-that's all" I answered with a nervous laugh at the end.

"I didn't seem like you were going to get water sweetheart, run away again and I'll punish you".

My eyes widened. He roughly grabbed my wrist and returned me back to my room. Once he opened the door, he threw me on the floor and closed the door. Tears started filling my eyes. All I just want is to be with my family and somehow I end up in this situation because my dad didn't pay them money. I stared crying and didn't care if anyone heard me. All I just wanted was my life again. My parents, friends by my side. But instead I'm here at this random house with 9 boys I don't even know.

After crying for an hour, I went to bed crying myself to sleep.

Morning || Baekhyun's pov

I was woken up by the sun shining through my curtains. I got up and decided to take a shower. After taking a shower, I changed into black jeans with a black shirt and a jean jacket on top. I did my hair and after I went to go wake up all the boys.

"Get up losers, it's morning" I said to Kai and Sehun. "Hyung it's too early in the morning". Kai said with a sleepy voice. "I don't fucking care if it's early, get up or else your going to starve".

I left their room and went to wake up the other boys. Lastly I went into Chen's and Lay's room. "Hey wake up sleepyheads, it's morning". They both got up and got ready. I called Lay and he came to me. "Yes?" he said with a curious expression. "Wake up Jiyeon and tell her to get ready. Also tell her we are going to be going out today so tell her to wear something nice".

"Ok I'll go right now". After he said that he left to Jiyeon's room to wake her up. Then I went downstairs and saw all the boys taking. Then we waited for Lay and Jiyeon to come downstairs so we can all eat breakfast.

Lay's pov

After Baekhyun told me to wake up Jiyeon, I quickly went to her room to wake her up. I quietly opened up the door and then I saw her. She looked so peaceful. I didn't want to wake her up but again I had to before Baekhyun yelled at me. So I went up to her and shook her gently.

"Jiyeon, it's morning". She groaned and turned and faced me. She looked so beautiful close up. My heart started beating faster and my stomach felt weird. I ignored it and shook her again. "Jiyeon wake up". She didn't respond. So then I decided to say something that will hopefully wake her up.

"Jiyeon if you don't wake up, I'll kiss you"

Jiyeon's pov

"Jiyeon if you don't wake up, I'll kiss you". After I heard that, I quickly got up. I turned to my side to see Lay smirking at me. "I knew you would wake up after I said that" he said with a smile.

"Anyways Baekhyun said to get ready for breakfast and also to wear something nice because we are all going to go somewhere".

"Oh ok". After I said that, Lay left and I quickly took a shower and changed into a outfit. The outfit I picked out was a black off the shoulder long sleeve shirt with a red skirt.

 The outfit I picked out was a black off the shoulder long sleeve shirt with a red skirt

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Aftwr changing, I went downstairs and went into the kitchen. Once I entered, all the boys looked at me like they saw a ghost. Even Baekhyun was looking at me! I got flustered and blushed a little. I quickly sat down in a seat which was between Chanyeol and Chen.

"Wow, never knew you could look that good Jiyeon". I looked up and saw Kai smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

"Damn bro she just rolled her eyes at you! That's the first time a girl had ever down that to Kai" Suho said trying not to laugh at Kai but soon failed.

"Ok that's enough, let's just eat". "But Hyung, you were also staring at Jiyeon too!" Sehun said with a smirk on his face. "N-no I wasn't. L-let's just e-eat please" Baekhyun said while stuttering. The boys laughed and we all just ate our food. After eating, Suho took the dishes and put them in the sink to wash them. Me being a nice and helpful person, I helped him cleaning up. At first he looked shocked but then smiled at me and said a simple "thank you".

After we were done, we all went out to do whatever we had to do. We went to the mall and once we entered, all the boys ran into stores. "They never changed" was what I heard. I looked and saw Baekhyun smiling a bit. "Never knew you could smile" I said teasing him a bit.

"Well there are some days that I feel happy and some days when I'm pissed". This was odd. This Baekhyun is very kind. The other Baekhyun from last night was mean. I kinda liked this Baekhyun better then the one from last night.

"Ayo Baekhyun!" We turned around and saw 7 boy walking towards us. I looked at Baekhyun and he seemed pissed. Just when I thought he was going to be kind today.

"Who's this cutie" said a boy with brown hair. "It's none of your business Mark" Baekhyun said coldly"

"Stay behind me Jiyeon" he whispered to me. I slowly went behind him still looking at the 7 boys. "Oh why are you hiding from us sweetheart, there is nothing to be afraid of" said a tall boy.

"Hey Baekhyun why don't you introduce us to your girlfriend?"

"Come on Jiyeon lets go". He grabbed my hand and we started walking away. Well he kinda dragged me but I didn't mind, those boys gave me bad vibes. "Look who is running away from us boys! He's scared because he doesn't have his men with him" all the boys laughed and Baekhyun and I just walked out of the mall. We walked around and soon we were at a park.

"W-who were those people Baekhyun?". I asked very curious but scared thinking he was going to yell at me.

"None of your god damn business" he answered coldly.

Time skip: At home

When we got home, I just went to my room and sat by the window thinking about those boys. They definitely aren't friends with Baekhyun but who were they! Why am I in the situation! Why did I end up here! Why can't I just be a normal girl living a normal life! Why is life so unfair!

To be continued

I literally didn't know what to write about in this chapter so I just wrote whatever came into my mind first. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Please like and comment! Have a good day/night!

Instagram: @pardon.kookie

~ PardonKookie7

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