- Author's Note -

660 13 0

Oh my fucking god. Did I just see the numbers correctly for the amount of reads I have on this terribly written book?!

15k reads?!




Is this-

Hold up

Am I going


Or did it really just say

15k reads?!

How tf did this book get THAT many reads?! Like I legit remember when this book first hit 100 reads and I was screaming about getting that many reads. Now I'm over here seeing that this book had 15k reads?!

This is some kind of joke right?! Thank you to everyone who's reading or read this book. First off I don't know how you all decided to read this book or even add it to your library cause like trust me this is SO BAD!

This was my first ever wattpad book and I had no idea what to write about.

From a random idea that I suddenly got in a car, to writing it and having people read it only to see it had 15k reads.

Thank you all so much! Please check out my other books!

I love you all!!!!!!!

Thank you once again!!!!

Instagram: @pardon.kookie & @pardonkookie7

~ PardonKookie7

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