- Chapter 20 -

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A few years later || Jiyeon's pov

Today is mine and Baekhyun's 3rd year anniversary. He told me that we are going somewhere out to eat. He was already at the place and told me that Sehun was going to drive me to the restaurant. It was time for me to get ready. So I got up and decided to take a shower. After taking a shower, I changed into a simple black off the shoulder dress and paired it up with regular black heels. I curled my hair and put on a little bit of makeup.


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After I was done getting ready, I went out of the bathroom and went to the living room. When I came out, I saw all the boys watching tv.

"Okay Sehun I'm ready now" I said which made all the boys look at me. Their eyes widened and some of them had their mouths wide open. I laughed at their reaction and spoke again.

"What? Never seen a girl dressed up before?" I questioned them. There was a moment of silence until one of them spoke again.

"Your just very beautiful" said Lay. "Damn, Baekhyun is lucky to have such a beautiful girlfriend like you" Kai said which made me blush a little.

"Whatever, now come on Sehun, don't wanna keep Baekhyun waiting", he got up and grabbed his car keys and off we went. The care ride wasn't too bad. Though we weren't talking to each other, it was a peaceful car ride.

After a couple of minutes, we arrived at the restaurant. I was about to get out but Sehun grabbed my hand. I turned towards him and looked at him.

"Yes?" I said to him.

"Just want to say have a good time, your gonna remember this forever". I gave him a 'what the fuck you talking about' look.

"Ahh just- nevermind! Have fun, but not too much fun", he winked when he said the last sentence. I laughed and hit his arm lightly. I grabbed my purse and said bye to Sehun then went out to go inside.

When I went inside, the lady greeted me with a warm smile which made me feel welcomed here.

"Hello Miss, how may I help you" she said to me.

"Oh ummm, my boyfriend made a reservation, I believe he put it under Byun Baekhyun" I told her. She looked on the clip board and looked back at me.

"Ahh yes, please follow me", she then lead me to a little area. There was quite a few people here but not that much.

Once we got to the area, I saw Baekhyun smiling at me.

"Ahh finally, my beautiful girlfriend finally arrives!", he came up to me and gave me a peck on the lips which made me smile.

"Yes and I finally get to see my handsome boyfriend", he laughed and then we both took a seat. After a while we ordered and got our food.

"Oh princess I have to go get something from my car, I'll be right back", he said while getting up. Then he went to his car to get the thing he needed. All of a sudden, the lights turn off which made the other customers make noise. Then a spot light turned on and moved to a spot where there was a piano and there I saw Baekhyun and the other boys standing around him wearing suits and holding roses in their hands.

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