- Chapter 13 -

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Morning || Jiyeon's pov

My alarm started ringing which meant I had to wake up, sadly. Today the boys planned on going to vacation. We all decided to go to Jeju island since we've heard many good things about it.

I packed up all last night and the day before. I got up and fixed my bed. I stretched and yawned and walked to my bathroom and got ready.

A few minutes later...

I was finally ready to go. I was wearing a white shirt with shorts and a cute sweater on top and my converse to finish it.

 I was wearing a white shirt with shorts and a cute sweater on top and my converse to finish it

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I grabbed my bags and headed out. I went downstairs and saw all the boys sitting on the couch.

"Damn you took forever". I looked to the direction I heard the voice and saw that it was Sehun who said that. I glared at him.

"She still looks hella hot though". I looked and saw Kai smirk and wink at me.

I rolled my eyes in response.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Baekhyun said, counting to see if everyone was here.

The guys responded 'yes' and we were on our way to the airport.

Time skip: At Jeju island

We finally made it to Jeju after a long flight. We got a taxi and then we were off to the hotel we were staying at.

When we arrived at the hotel, we thanked our driver and then went to check in.

"Hello and welcome to Jeju island resort, How May I help you". A older lady, around her 30's asked us.

"We made room reservations. I believe it's under the name, Exo".

"Ahh yes here it is, well I have your guys keys." She looked around and found the keys. Then she handed it to Baekhyun.

"Enjoy your stay and thank you for choosing Jeju island resort". We all thanked the women and left to find our rooms.

When we arrived at the 4th floor, we found our rooms. We had a total of 5 rooms. That meant that 2 people were in each room. The boys decided to do Rock Paper Scissors to see who would be in the room with me. I ended up having to share a room with Kai.

I could tell that Baekhyun was pretty mad about it but soon let it go.

But these r the people who are sharing a room together.

Me and Kai || Chen and Suho || Chanyeol and Xiumin || Baekhyun and D.O || Sehun and Lay

After we were done deciding who is sharing a room with who, we all went to our rooms. Kai grabbed the key card and opened the door, when we entered it was like heaven.

There were two beds, a small kitchen, a bathroom, and a little small living room. No wonder why this hotel has a 5 star.

"Holy fuck" was all I heard from Kai. We got inside and then out our stuff down.

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