Jealousy 11

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Jealousy of other people's things in life, is a bad thing to do. Even though some people might have the things you want, there is people watching you wanting the same exact thing. Be careful what you wish for. Their is always someone some where in the world who wants what you have. Be grateful for things you do have, don't stress on the things you don't.

While you are stuck wishing you had what someone else had, there is someone watching you the exact moment wishing they had what you have. Jealousy is the worst trait anyone can have. Don't get me wrong, a little bit of jealousy is okay, but too much of anything is not good.

It all goes back to being thankful and grateful for what you have. If you did not have much growing up, it should encourage you to make the best for your future children life's. You should want to encourage everyone around you, even yourself to do better.

If anyone you know may need to hear this, or whatever the case may be, share this with your friends. These are wise words to live by!

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