Chapter 1

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Bella's pov

It's been 10 years now since we lost the Cullen's and I escaped the Volturi and since then me and the kids have been living on the reservation with my brothers Sam and Ethan and my father and it's been great because the Volturi hasn't bother us ever since I escaped from them and so far life has been perfect but today on the other hand is turning out to be a bad day because today's my birthday and the wolf pack are throwing me a party even though I don't want one.

Right now I am in my room getting the dress on that Leah bought for me when Amelie busted into my room and I said whoa what's the problem and Amelie said mommy EJ hurt me and I said what did he do now and Amelie said he punched me on the arm and I said right that's it I've had enough of this and so I shouted EJ MY ROOM RIGHT NOW and then I heard with my vampire hearing Renesmee saying ha ha EJ's in trouble and so I shouted out of my room RENESMEE THAT IS ENOUGH EJ IN HERE NOW and then I heard EJ say ok mom and then he walked though my door.

EJ said yes mommy what's wrong and I said you know what why did you punch your sister and EJ said because she punched me first and then Amelie said no I didn't you lair and I said right ok easy way to sort this you are both grounded no going out of this house unless it's with me do you both understand me and then Amelie said yes mommy but EJ said but mom it's not fair and then I said so what life isn't fair now do you understand me Edward Jacob Cullen and he just said yes mommy I'm sorry and then I said good now both of you go get ready and they both said ok mom and left my room and then I continued to get dressed and then I went downstairs and I went into the living room and I saw Lily sitting on the couch in the living room so I went over to her and sat beside her and then I just looked at her.

I then said as I stroked her hair hey sweetie what's the matter and then she looked at me and said I miss mommy and daddy and then I said as I pulled her into my arms and hugged her oh baby I know you do I miss them to I will find a way to bring them back ok I promise but just not tonight and she said ok auntie Bella I love you and I said just as the front door opened and my brothers Jacob, Ethan and my dad walked in I love you too sweetie pie now go get ready we have a party to go to and then Lily smiled and said ok it's going to be good and then she got off of the couch and went up stairs and so I got off of the couch and I went over to my brothers and father and I said what is it couldn't it have waited until the party.

Jacob then said no it can't Quil and Embry were patrolling this morning and they smelt vampires Bella and I said yeah so what there are vampires here all the time and then my dad said no Bella they recognised the scent they thought it was the Volturi and I gasped and said no it can't be why would they come back after all this time and I was looking around the room frightened for the kids when Ethan said Bella we need to get you and the kids out of here now and then I just looked at him and I said what no way this is my birthday and I'll be dammed if I'm going to let a clan of vampires ruin it and then my dad said but Bella the kids and I said yes I know they will just have to stay here won't they I'll just lock them inside the house and then Jacob said right ok well you better tell them we need to leave and I said right ok and I went over to the stairs and I shouted up them KIDS COME DOWN HERE NOW PLEASE and they all shouted ok mom.

About 5 seconds later the 6 of them where downstairs and they all looked at me and I said ok we have a problem and then AJ said aunt Bella what is it and I said it's the Voltaire they have come back and they are planning on crashing them party tonight which is why I am not letting any of you go and then Renesmee said but mom this party was going to be a blast we deserve to go please momma let us go and I said no I'm not risking any of you my husband your father and his family are already dead I'm not losing all of you too no you are staying here and then Lily said but mom how are you going to keep the vampires out and I said I have my ways and then I pulled out my phone and I dialled my friend Sally's number she is a witch that is looking rid of her power and she said I could take it if I wanted and right now I want it more than I ever have.

On the 4th ring the phone was answered and Sally said hello who is this and I said hi Sally it's Bella you know the way you said I could have your power and she said yeah do you want it and I said yes my family is in danger right now and my vampire or wolf can't do anything to stop the danger but a witches power can and then Sally said ok Bella if your sure.

I said yes yes I am and Sally said ok here we go and then she started saying a spell over the phone it said this night and in this hour I call upon the ancient power and bring the power to Bella Cullen, she wants the power, give her the power and then just like that a light appeared above me and everyone in the room gasped and the light blowed right inside me and I gasped as it happened and once it was down.

I said into the phone thanks Sally I owe you big time and she said your welcome Bella just be careful and I said ok I will I promise and then I hung up the phone and I looked at my dad and brothers and my dad said what was that and I said as I looked at my kids will everyone I am now half vampire, half wolf and half witch and my kids all said whoa but my dad said Bella your crazy witches power is to strong and I said no no it's not the simple spells aren't anyway and that's all I need.

My dad said right ok do the God dam spell so we can leave and so confront the Volturi and I said right ok fine and then I said a spell that said hear me now hear my cry block this house from the outside now and then just like that we saw a blue force field go up around the whole house and then I said ok there no one can get in and Jacob said ok go now can we go and I said yes ok and I ran around the room kissing my kids and my niece and nephew.

I said to them before I left the house do not go outside the house the spell can only protect you if you inside the house ok and they all said ok mom except for EJ and so I looked at him and I said do you understand me EJ and he said yes mommy I do and I said ok good and I left the house and closed the front door and before I got into my dads car I stopped and looked at the house and I said another spell it said the people in this house keep the sealed don't let them leave and then I heard the lock on the door lock it's self and so I knew the kids where safe no matter what now and so I then walked to my dads car and I got inside it and my dad drove us to where the others were.

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Bella's revenge for the Cullen's - Sequel to Bella is forced into the Volturi guard (twilight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now