Chapter 5

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Bella's pov

When we got back to the house all of us wolves phased back once Alex got off of my back and EJ got off of Jacob's back we went inside the house and all of the Cullen's and my kids turned and saw me and I said what I'm still here and Edward walked over to me and he said yes you are as he kissed me and then Amelie ran over to me and she said mommy I thought you weren't coming back and I said I will always come back sweetie always.

Amelie said ok mommy as she hugged me and then Carlilse said what did the Volturi want Bella and I said well they came to tell me that they are starting a war and that we have until they phone us and when they do they will come and then Carlilse said well just great we need more help and then Renesmee said mommy who's that as she pointed to Alexander and I said well sweetie this is Alexander but likes to be called Alex and he is joining the family ok everyone and then everyone said sure Bella or ok mom.

Jasper said Bella we need you to bring back some other people from the dead its the only way to win this war only we need them to be good not bad this time around and I said as I gasped no no way they killed you all I'm not doing that I'm not bringing them back no way Jasper and then EJ said as he made his way over to Renesmee, Amelie, Lily and AJ mommy who are they talking about and then I said nothing baby because it's not happening.

Esme said Bella we have no choice please just do it and then my dad said Bella no don't they will kill again and this time it may be one of the kids and then all the kids gasped and then got scared and ran upstairs even Alex did and then I looked at dad and said really daddy you just had to scare them and then dad said I'm sorry but it's true and then Carlilse said Bella come on please you can do want ever you want to them but please just bring them back because we need them for this war there isn't enough of us to help the town between us all and the wolves.

I said fine whatever but I swear one sign of going evil when my kids are in this house I swear they will be dead on the spot understand me and Carlilse said yes Bella I understand and then my brother said Bella what are you doing this is dangerous for you your bringing back to many people and then I said I don't care now shut up Jacob please and then I looked at Carlilse and I said good now that you all understand me I will do it but one thing I have to do first and Edward said what and then I want over to the stairs and shouted up them.

I said KIDS DO NOT COME DOWN ANY OF YOU and then AJ, Lily, Renesmee, EJ, Alex and Amelie all shouted down the stairs ok aunt Bella or ok mom and then I said good and walked back over to the others and I said ok lets do this thing and all the pack said no don't Bella please and then I said if you dont want to see this then leave and my dad said no way Bella your my daughter and I said well then watch me do this because I am doing it and my dad said ok fine and I said thank you and then I looked at everyone and I said if anything happens to me while doing this spell tell the kids I love them.

Emmett said Bella is there a chance you will die doing this spell and I said I can't be sure I don't know if my vampire and wolf ability will stop me from dying or not and then Alice said Bella if this is too dangerous for you to do then don't do it after all you did just bring us 7 back from the dead and now you'll be bringing another 6 people back again it's too much isn't it and then I said no I have to do it for the sake of our kids and us but I love you all so much.

Edward said we love you too as he walked over to me and kissed me and then he hugged me and I said ok Edward and everyone step back please and then everyone stepped back into the other room and then I said the raising the dead spell again which said help us now in our time of need, help us fix what is broke and bring back of who I think of and then just like that another big flash of blue light comes out of me and up into the air and then I saw the Denali's run though the front door before I fell to the ground and blacked out and all I hear was people saying my name over and over Bella, Bella come on please don't do this to me to us all we need you with us and I knew that was Edward saying that but I couldn't say anything and then just like that everything went quiet.

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Bella's revenge for the Cullen's - Sequel to Bella is forced into the Volturi guard (twilight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now