Chapter 3

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Bella's pov

When we got back home every wolf phased back to human and I said ok Edward and then Cullen's stay out here I'm going to tell the kids ok and Edward said ok Bella ok and so me and the pack went inside the house and once we got inside the house I saw all the kids sitting on the sofa watching TV except EJ and AJ and so I went over to the stairs and I shouted up AJ, EJ DOWNSTAIRS NOW PLEASE and then the next minute they both came running downstairs.

AJ said what's wrong auntie Bella and I said go sit on the sofa please me and the pack has something to tell you and then EJ said ok mommy and so they both went over to the sofa and sat down and then I walked over and I said ok kids I have something to tell you all and Amelie said mommy what's wrong and then Sam said we need to tell you what happened.

I said ok now before I got to the field I brought back some people from the dead with my witch power and they want to meet you all so is that ok and then all the kids said yes and so I looked to the door and I said you can come in and then the Cullen's all walked into the living room and then I heard AJ and Lily screaming and then they ran straight to their parents and hugged them so tight and said we missed you mommy and daddy and then Alice and Jasper and Rosalie and Emmett said yeah us too kids us too and we are so glad that your aunt Bella kept you safe.

I said of course I would have they are my family and Alice and Rosalie walked over to me and hugged me and said thank you bella and I said no reason to thank me and then they let go and my daughter Renesmee walked over to me and said what about daddy mommy where he and I said well I don't know why do you go out and see and then my kids all ran outside and screamed in excitement and said daddy daddy your here and ran to him and then I walked outside and I saw all my kids on top of Edward so I said ok ok everyone up off of daddy and so they all got off of him.

Amelie then said hi daddy I'm Amelie I haven't met you before and Edward said well it's nice to meet you Amelie and then I said lets go inside but before we got inside I heard EJ screaming and I looked and saw he was being taken away by Felix of the Volturi so I said Edward mind the kids please don't let them leave take them inside the house the protection spell is still intact and Edward said but Bella you need help.

I said ok fine JACOB, DAD, SAM, ETHAN LETS GO and then just like that they were out beside me and Edward and Renesmee and Amelie was inside the house safe and then I phased into my wolf and so did Jacob, Sam and my dad and Ethan and then we all ran in wolf form following my son and once Felix stopped so did we and then I saw that Aro, Marcus and Caius and another young boy was standing there looking scared and so me and the others phased back to our human forms.

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Bella's revenge for the Cullen's - Sequel to Bella is forced into the Volturi guard (twilight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now