Chapter 10

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Bella's pov

When we got to the castle we stopped and all the wolves and me phased back to human and I looked at everyone and I said ok wait here I'm going in and Edward said Bella I don't think this is a good idea and then I said I'm going in there to get the kids and I'm doing it now and if you don't help Edward I swear I will take them kids and I leave and you will never see us again and then Edward said ok fine Bella let us know when you need help and I said ok I will and then I made my way to the castle and when I got to it I banged and banged on the door until it got opened and when it did I saw that it was Felix and he looked at me and said well well well Bella it so good to see you again.

I said yeah yeah take me to Aro now and Felix said yeah ok lets go and so I walked into the castle and Felix shut the door and walked infront of me and he said follow me and I said right ok and I followed him right until we got to the thrown room and when we did he opened the doors and he said go on in and so I walked in and when I did I walked to the middle of the floor and then Aro said well Bella so good to se you again.

I said where is the kids and then Aro said they are around but Bella I'm sorry to say but you are short 2 kids and I said what what do you mean short 2 kids Aro and then Marcus said well 2 of them were misbehaving so we killed them and that did it I fell to the floor and I started to cry and as I did Caius said they should have known not to muck us about Bella and I said oh yeah well now I'm going to do the same as I stood up and started crying and I said the thoughts spell again to project my thought to everyone outside the castle which says let them hear what I say, let them know I am me and then just like that a bright light came out of me and went out of them castle and then I thought to them all come now 2 kids dead not sure which 2 hurry and then just like that the thrown room door opened and all the witches plus my mom and then the pack plus my brothers and dad and the Cullen's and the Denali's all ran in and I said where are the kids Aro.

Marcus said do you think we are scared to die and I said no but see me plus my mom and these other witches we can cause you more pain than Jane ever could and right then I saw every Volturi vampire in the room get scared and then I said so I'll ask again where are our kids and then Caius said they are upstairs in the first room to the right and then I said thank you so much and I looked at everyone in my group and I said kill every last one of them and then everyone said right Bella and then I said Rosalie, Alice lets go get our kids and they both said ok Bella and then we left the thrown room and ran upstairs and once we got upstairs opened the room door and then the 3 of us ran into the room and we saw AJ and Lily first and so Alice and Rosalie ran over to them both and pick them up and the kids were so glad to see there moms and so right then I knew it was 2 of my kids that were dead so I looked around the room and I saw Nessie and EJ both in the corner beside the window and they were both crying and so I ran over to them and I got down and untied them both and I hugged them.

I said oh my babies I'm so sorry I left and then EJ said mommy we couldn't stop them they killed Amelie and Alex and I said I know and we will miss them but I'm just so glad your both still alive and then Nessie said us too mommy and I said oh I love you both so much and then the both of them said us too mommy us too and so then I stood up and I picked them both up in my arms and I then walked over to Alice and Rosalie and I saw both AJ and Lily were in their moms arms and so I said ok let go downstairs and finish this and so then we all walked out of the room and went downstairs and by the time we got downstairs and back into the thrown room the whole Volturi was dead and so once we walked over to everyone Edward saw the kids and he ran up to them and Edward said oh thank god your ok and I said as I walked over to the throwns and sat Nessie down on one and then I sat EJ down on the other yeah well Amelie and Alex isn't Edward they are dead and then everyone in the room gasped.

I said the one thing I asked for all of you too do was take care of the kids while the curse had me that was it and you couldn't even do that and then Edward said I am sorry Bella really and I said no I don't care Edward I think that's all I asked you to do and now 2 of our kids are dead and then Edward said well to be fair Alex wasn't even our child and then the whole room gasped again and I said oh no he was as much as your child as the rest and don't you dare say that again you are so lucky there are kids here right now because if there wasn't you would be dead and then Carlilse said Bella we tried and I said not hard enough then I looked over to the pack and my mom and dad and my brothers and my moms witches.

I said I'm surprised with you lot I thought I could count on all of you because you are family my family and then my dad said Bella please we are really sorry and I said no I don't care I want you all out now every single one of you and then Jared said Bella were will you go and I said well me and my last 2 kids are going to take over the whole supernatrual world and in about 5 years I will call on you all every vampire, every wolf and every witch or warock in the world to let you know the rules and Carlilse said Bella no you can't do that and I said yes I can now leave and my mom said no me and your father tell you what to do not the other way round Bella.

I said fine have it your way I'll see you all in 5 years time but before I could say the spell my niece Lily said auntie Bella please don't we will miss you and I said I know little Lily but we will see each other again I promise and then AJ said promise aunt Bella and I said yes I promise you both and then Lily and AJ said ok see you soon and then I said yeah see you both soon and then I walked over to Alice and I used my pregnancy power on her and then a light came out of me and into her and then I walked over to Rosalie and did the same to her and then I walked over to Esme and did it to her to and then I walked over to my mom and I did it to her to.

I said raise my baby brother or sister well and tell her all about me and tell her I will see her soon and my mom said I will do and then I went over to my cousin Leah and I said do you want me to do it or not and then Leah said yes please Bella and I said ok and I did to her what I did to the other women in my family and then I backed away and said raise them well and tell them I love them and I will see them all very soon please I still want to be in their lifes even though there not or your not in mine and then all the women said yes Bella and thank you so much and then I said your welcome everyone of you and then Edward said Bella please don't do this.

I just said a transport spell to bring them all back to forks and it says transport them now, make them leave to where they came and then just like that everyone in the room was gone except me, Nessie and EJ and before I turned to look at Nessie or EJ I touched my stomach and a bright light went into it and right then I knew I was pregnant again and I was to happy to be and then I looked at my 2 kids and I said ok kids we now run this whole castle lets get us guards and a royal name shall we and the kids shouted YEAH LETS DO IT MOMMY and I said ok and so we started cleaning the place up and once the castle was cleaned up we desided to call our royal name The Swan Coven and once that was done we started hiring people to guard us and keep us safe.

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Bella's revenge for the Cullen's - Sequel to Bella is forced into the Volturi guard (twilight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now