Chapter 7

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Bella's pov

When I woke up I saw I was back in my house and I saw my family was sitting or standing around my bed in my room and so I said as I sat up hey guys what's with all the sad faces and they all turned to look at me and they gasped and I said what what's wrong and then Amelie ran over to me and she hugged me and she said mommy your awake and I said as I got off of the bed yeah why wouldn't I be sweetie and then Edward said Bella you've been unconscious for 5 weeks and I said no that can't be it only felt like 10 minutes and then dad said what only felt like 10 minutes Bella.

I then said talking to mom that's what did daddy and then Ethan said you talked to mom Bella and I said yes I did and I found out somethings about myself and her and then Jacob said like what Bella and I said well I found out mom was a witch and that dad didn't tell us and that even if I wouldn' have gotten the witch power from my friend I would have been a witch anyway it was just because I didn't have anyone to teach me how to use the power and mom says that's why my power is so powerful because I am using my power and my friends and then dad said Bella I'm so sorry I didn't tell you kids about your mom it just didn't fell right because she wasn't hear anymore.

I said yeah well because I brought back the Cullen's and the Denali's I wasn't aloud to come back but mom's witch sister said there was only one way for me to come back to you and then I saw the Denali coven walk into the room and they were all smiling at me they were thanking me and then Carmen said and what's what that Bella.

I said well I had to take on a curse and Edward shouted WHAT THE FUCK BELLA and I shouted WELL WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU WANT ME TO DO LET MYSELF DIE AND NOT SEE YOU OR THE KIDS AGAIN and then Edward said no I guess not continue and I said thank you the curse was that someone was taking over my mind what ever that person in my head says I have to do no matter what If he says to kill then I have to kill and no one can break it unless I die again and get the witches to revoke it.

Lily said but auntie Bella what if it tells you to kill us and then all of the room gasped and I said don't worry I will fight it no matter what I will not kill any of you I promise ok and then Eleazar said Bella we are so greatful that you brought us back and then Irina, Tanya, Kate, Carmen and Garrett all said yeah us too Bella and I said looking angry at them yeah well we needed the help and it wasn't my idea and if it was I wouldn't have did it if I knew I was going to be cursed for the next thousand years and then Kate said we are really sorry Bella about everything.

I said yeah you better be because the sightest bit of evil I see in any of you I will kill you again and all of the Denali's said ok Bella and I said good and then I looked at my dad and I said I'm bringing mom back dad so just be prepared and dad said but Bella you have already been in trouble by the witch gods don't make it your mother too and then I said yeah well I don't care she is the only one that can help me with my full power so sue me dad.

Rosalie said but Bella your kids and I said yeah I know but I need this Rose and then I looked at Edward and I said don't hate me and he said I don't and then I looked to my kids and I said I love you all so much please forgive me and then the 4 of them all ran over to me and hugged me and then Alex said even though I haven't seen you much since I became apart of this family just know I think of you as a mother so I forgive you.

I said thanks Alex and I would love you to be my son and I'm sure Edward would love to be your dad I'm sure and then Edward said of course Alex and then Alex said thanks mom and dad and then I look at my other kids and I saw they were crying and so I said hey hey look at me and then they looked up at me and I said nothing is going to happen I will be here always ok and the 3 said ok mommy and then the 4 of them let go of me.

I said as I looked at the whole room I love you all so forgive me please and then I said the raising the dead spell again which says help us now in our time of need, help us fix what is broke and bring back of who I think of and then just like that another big flash of blue light comes out of me and up into the air and then I fell to the ground and then I saw my mother standing right in front of me before I blacked out again.

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Bella's revenge for the Cullen's - Sequel to Bella is forced into the Volturi guard (twilight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now