Chapter 8

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Bella's pov

When I woke up again I saw I was back on my bed in my room and so I sat up and saw no one was in the room sos I went downstairs and I saw that everyone was in the kitchen the Denali's, the Cullen's, the pack, my dad, my brothers Jacob and Ethan, plus my mom and my kids and so I walked into the kitchen and I said hey everyone anything new happen aand they all turned and looked at me and they said Bella your awake or mommy your up and I said yes why wouldn't I be and then my mom walked up too me and she said Bella why would you do this my sister witches are on there own now.

I said because mom dad and me and your sons need you right now and I wanted you to meet your grandchildren before everything went to hell and then my mom said as she hugged me well thank you Bella sweetie it means so much to me and I'm sure your dad thinks so to and then my dad walked up to me and hugged me and said yes I really do Bella and I said thank you both of you and then Carlilse said Bella I'm sorry to break this up but we still have the Volturi problem here and I said oh yeah as I let go of my mom and dad.

I said as I looked at my mom there is this vampire coven that is coming for revenge and they are starting a war and we need all the help we can get and then my mom said I'll help Bella anyway I can but everyone who we have here isn't going to be enough with an army coming to kill us and then before I could say anything else my daughter Nessie said mommy who is this woman and then the rest of my kids said yeah mommy who is she.

I said as I walked over to my kids well this woman is my mom just like I'm your mom and she is your grandma just like my dad is your grandpa and then all my kids screamed out in happiness and ran over to my mom and hugged her and I just laughed and said as my mom grabbed them all before they could fall mom this is Renesmee, EJ, Alexander and Amelie as I pointed to then and then them kids over there beside Alice and Rosalie as I pointed over to them are AJ and Lily and then my mom said well kids nice to meet you all and then all the kids said you too.

I said as the kids let go of my mom what do you mean mom not enough people here to stop the Volturi and then my mom said Bella we need more people and unless you and Edward and Alice and Jasper and Rosalie and Emmett want the kids to fight then I guess we need more people and then me, Edward, Alice, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett all said what no way the kids are fighting they can get hurt and then my mom said ok then we need more people and I said ok who do you think is best and my mom said we need my sisters and since I'm only back I can't bring them back my powers isn't fully back yet.

I gasped and said what mom I can't not again it's too much I've already brought back the Cullen's, the Denali's and then you and now you want me to bring back at least what how many witches and then my mom says you would have to bring back them all and I said how many mom and my mom said at least 50 witches and then whole family gasped and the Jacob said mom it will kill her you know that and my mom said yes I know it could but there is now other way to stop this war.

I said but mom please it will be to much for me to handle by myself I'm sorry mom but I can't it's to much I might now come back this time and I can't leave my kids and then my kids all shouted no mommy don't do it we need you and they all ran over to me and hugged me even AJ and Lily and then I said don't worry I'm not doing it and then the kids all said good mommy or good auntie Bella and then I looked and my mom and she said Bella you won't die the curse is inside of you it needs your body to live so it will stop you from dying.

I said oh right ok fine I'll do it and then Edward said be careful Bella please don't push too far and I said yes ok and then my mom said Bella the only this is and I said what now mom what else is going to happen and then my mom said Bella when you come back the curse will take over and I said what does that mean and my mom said it means when you come back it won't be you the curse will have taken over your body you won't be able to stop it and I said how long does it last and my mom said it will last for about 5 years and once the 5 years are done you will be back and I said no I can't do that not to my kids not now.

My mom said Bella it's the only way and I said ok fine I'll do it and then I turned and looked at the Cullen's, the Denali's, my dad, my brothers and the pack and I said when I come back lock me up no matter what I say just lock me up because I will try to kill you and if I try to hurt you while you try to lock me up just knock me out it's the only way and then they all said are you sure Bella and I said yes I am and when I'm back I'll say apple that way you know it's me and not the curse ok and then the whole lot of them said ok Bella we will and then Edward walked up to me and he said I love you sos much.

I said I do too honey and try to do the best for the kids please and he said I promise and then I looked over at my kids and my niece and my nephew and I saw they were crying and so I walked up to them and I said as I hugged them all I will be back I promise and I will always think of you I swear I love you all so much and then the kids all said we do to mommy or auntie Bella and then I let go and I walked to the middle of the floor and I said stay back all of you I mean it and everyone in the room said ok we will and then I took a deep breath.

I said the raising the dead spell again only this time I need to repeat it 3 times more than I had to before which says help us now in our time of need, help us fix what is broke and bring back of who I think of and then I said it again which says help us now in our time of need, help us fix what is broke and bring back of who I think of and then again which says help us now in our time of need, help us fix what is broke and bring back of who I think of and then just like that another big flash of blue light comes out of me and up into the air and then I saw the witches before I fell to the ground and black out and from the one I didn't what was what.

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Bella's revenge for the Cullen's - Sequel to Bella is forced into the Volturi guard (twilight fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now