Act 4 (Even Closer)

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I started down the road with the most sensed demons as I started to rank up my kill count as I made my way closer and closer to the tree. I groaned at the pain of my left arm. Ever since that drinking night, Echo got so mad at me or at least at something that she grabbed my arm and threw me against the nearest building causing my arm to hurt for multiple days now. She said sorry multiple times and even said she doesn't remember that part at all, but whatever, I shrugged it off and went on to killing more disgraceful and evil demons. I ran up to one as it drinks the almost dried up blood off the ground before noticing me. I chuckled which caused its head to look up at me.
"Hey little guy," I started as he screeched at me, "just having some early lunch I see?" I tilted my head as I got closer. This demon was quiet small but I still need to get rid of him. The small demon softly back away as I suddenly heard a deep growl from behind me. I froze and turned to see that black panther once again. 'V must be near,' I smiled to myself as I moved over for the cat to attack instead of me. And so it did, it just fast towards the young demon as I heard foot steps and a cane noice from behind me.
"Aaa...Y/N," I runes and saw him. He softly relaxed as I noticed him close the book within his normally free hand. "I'm happy I found you," he walked up to me as smiled softly as he leaned against his cane.
"Oh?" I started as I crossed my arms, "Did you miss me that much," I joked as he moved his head down with a soft chuckle.
"Well, Y/N, you are very interesting to me so," he paused as he noticed the real weak demon. He then walked past me at towards the now whitish demon as he grabbed his cane and hesitated, "For now young one, sleep and return to the underworld," he then drove his cane into the demon before suddenly pulling it out of him causing him to die and go into dust. I watched him as he panted softly as he turned to me, "I'm...sorry you had to see that," he looked away from me as his black cat walked up and next to me. "He likes you," he then pointed his cane at the panther as the big guy roared softly towards me. I smiled in return and crouched and held out a hand for him. He quickly accepted and pressed his head against my palm as I started to pet him.
I then looked up at V as he got a bit closer, "What's his name?" I asked as I saw him softly shrug.
"Is name is mainly just Shadow," V sighed and walked behind and around me as the big cat rubbed himself more against me. I giggled as I petted and scratched him a bit more.
"Shadow," I paused as V looked down at me, "that sounds cool," I looked back at him as he motioned the cat off of me. The cat whimpered as he backed off and went over towards him. I then got up and noticed I was face to face with V. I started to blush as he looked down at me. "S-So what are you doing around here, V?" I stuttered out as he softly hummed under his breath as I noticed him but his lower lip. It's as if he's holding back something.
"I' to cut down some...," he paused as his head got a bit closer to me, "Gliphoth roots," he smiled as I blushed a bit more. "What about you?" He quickly asked as I looked over at my right.
"I-I was just heading closer to the tree and killing off any and all evil that lives here," I swallowed hard as we both noticed some demons walking down the street towards us.
"Like them?" He pointed his cane towards them as I nodded. As soon as I nodded the panther roared at them as V softly stepped away from as he looked towards the demon with pride before saying, "At your pleasure." The cat the raced towards them as I was about to attack myself I felt a hand around my waist, stopping me from moving. I quickly turned to V as he shock his head softly, "Stay with me, my Dove." His smile warmed my reborn heart as he held me closer to him. I started to blush as his face was even closer to mine than ever before. "My lovely Dove," he started as we stared into each other eyes, "I would like you to met some of my...," he then paused as he looked up at Shadow before back at me, "partners," he smiled as I felt his breath against my cheeks, blushing I nodded as he smiled more.
As I was just about to enjoy his quiet warm embrace, Shadow quickly finished as V had to pull away to finish the very pale demons before turning back at me. He the motioned for me to come as Shadow suddenly disappeared into V as I walked up to him. "Come, lets go met up with Nero," he wrapped his arm around me as we started towards the road.

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