Act 5 (Nero and Nico)

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I walked along with V as his bird watched from above as we heard a loud crash as we noticed a building crashing down. "That mud be Nero," V turned his head softly towards me as I nodded and we continued. We walked up into a once to be a garden as V stopped me before getting his book out and opening it. "I cursed my stares," he started as he walked out, "in bitter grief and woe. That made my love so high," he then turned to me softly before finishing, "and me, so low." He then held out his cane as it called upon his panther. The Shadow ran and attacked the demon, making him even weaker.
"Why...Why are you?" The demon whined out as V walked up to it.
"Little wanderer," he sighed out before grabbing his cane with both hands, "hie the home." He then stabbed the demon deep into its scull, finishing off the demon boss.
"I thought I would've to pick you out of his tommy teeth," the boy walked near V as he moved his head motioning to come out.
"Sorry, I was busy with letting someone," he moved his cane, softly pointing at me as the boy with sort white hair noticed me.
"Hello," I said as he nodded.
"You must be Y/N," he started as V watched him closely. I nodded with a smiled, "Well I'm Nero, a demon hunter." He smiled weather cocky as V huffed under his breath.
"Oh nice to met you Nero," I held out a hand as he soon took it.
"Nice to finally met you too, Y/N," he paused as he noticed V death stare on him. Nero then let go of my hand as he turned his eyes back to me. "I've heard a lot about you," Nero started as this caught V's attention as his head moved up and his cheeks became softly flustered.
"Really?" I asked as I blushed as well.
"Yeah this guy," Nero pointed towards V as he chuckled under his breath. As I was about to say something we heard a crash as we noticed a van rolling up quiet fast towards us. As I was about to move out of the way, but I was stoped by V grabbing my waist as he held me close to me as the van stopped just in time.
"I know I'm late but shut it," a women in glasses and rather dark hair said while popping out of her window. "Oh you must be V huh?" She started as her eyes moved on V then at me, "And you are?" She started as she bit her bottom lip as she tried to remember.
"She's, Y/N," Nero quickly answered as she nodded with a bright smile.
"Well nice to met yea, I'm Nico," she nodded as I smiled and did the same.
"Nice to met you Nico," I smiled as I suddenly felt V's arm tighten a bit more around me. I looked up at him as his gaze was still on Nico and the van before Nico pointed at our feet.
"Ding, Ding, Ding," she yelled out in excitement, "right by your feet there, grab it for me." She smiled as V moved his cane, throwing it towards her as she quickly catching the little piece of the already dead demon. She then softly smelled it as she started as Nero stepped up at her.
"Did you just sniff that? Do you know where that's been?" Nero pointed at her as she shrugged softly.
"Up your butt," this caused a giggled under my breath as she turned to me and smiled proudly at her joke.
Nero just sighed out, "Just focus on the mission." He then shock his head in disappointment as I felt V push my softly as he started to walk around the van to enter it. I fallowed a long and entered first and he entered right behind me. I walked in seeing Nero on the passenger seat as V moved over to the bench nearest to them, right behind Nico as he motioned me to join him. I kindly moved towards him and sat by him, just as Nico started to van and we all raid off closer to the massive tree.
As we all sat and moved around Nero turned towards V from his seat. "So do think Donte is still alive?" He asked as V looked down at his cane before answering.
"Well I would except much for him but Gliphoth pollen by now," he rubbed his hand in the air as Nero looked at him in confusion.
"A what?!" He asked quickly.
"Gliphoth, it's a tree that lives in the underworld," he paused as he looked towards me and softly smiled as he told my hand into his, "It thrives on human blood, and the blood it sucks, well you can tell it's not good for many." V motioned his cane towards the window as we past through some stoned people with spots all over them. I softly shivered which caused V to wrap his arm around me and chuckle under his breath.
"Well no matter what," Nero started as he turned away, "weather he's still alive or not we'll need to find it out and save him." He gritted his teeth in frustration as we continued down the road, till Nico finally stoped the van. V then stood up and turned to me before looking over at Nero.
"We should split up into two groups," V said before handing his hand for me to take and stand up.
"And cover more ground," Nero added as he past by the both of us, "sounds like a good idea." He then walked up to Nico which was coming out of her work area as she held up an arm for Nero. I tilted my head as she looked so happy and proud of herself.
"It's a work of art," she sighed out happily as the bird then chuckled.
"Awww so you're an artist now huh?" He said as she quickly snapped at him.
"Yes it is!" V then stood up and rolled his shoulders and sighed as he started for the door out before turning to me. As he awaited for me to go with him.
"I'll take my leave now," he held out his hand as I grabbed it and fallowed him out of the van.

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