Part 6

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All week Tina had to deal with Isa and do charm after charm to places until her elbow was sore. Wand elbow, she called it. After the papers on Monday, Isa had become increasingly intolerable. She was 20, so she was actually not working, just interning. She was annoying and obnoxious and haughty. Tina also had to redo many of Isa's very complicated charms. It wasn't fun. Also, weirdly enough, every time she looked at the strange auror, he or she looked away. This was the only assignment she could get, and she didn't want to lose her job, but this was only for aurors because they were the only ones that could do these spells. She should have been out hunting Grindelwald's followers. 

It was the weekend. Finally. It had been a long week. She had slept in, much to the annoyance to Pickett. Newt had let her sleep in because he had seen the exhaustion on her face. Feeding the creatures had taken a little longer, but a tired and grumpy Tina was not preferred to a well-rested one. 

Tina woke up. Yawning, she sat up in her bed. She looked over to Nagini's bed, but it was neatly made up and her dress was missing from the hanger. She must have woken up already. She got up and headed to the dresser. It was Saturday, so she chose a more casual pair of grey trousers and a long-sleeved white blouse. She walked to the dining room, smoothing down her hair with a comb. Jacob was sitting on the couch, trying to make sense of the Daily Prophet. Nagini was in the basement playing the with the baby occamys. Newt was sketching out a magical creature, but Tina didn't know what it was. A plate of scrambled eggs and a mug of cocoa sat on the table. With a flick of her wand, she warmed it up. As she sat down to start eating, a barn owl flew through the window. She untied the letter from its talons. It waited, presumably for a reply. The letter was addressed to Newton Artemis Fido Scamander. She handed it to Newt. He read it out loud.

Dear Mr Scamander,

We would like if you could come to Flourish and Blotts for a book signing later today, maybe at 2:00. We know it is a bit abrupt, but a different signing that was supposed to happen today got cancelled. We would be very grateful if you could come.

-Flourish and Blotts

"Oh, alright. I guess I will. We haven't gotten out of the house at all, and it will be nice to show you Diagon Alley. Actually, wait. Jacob won't be able to see it. Neither will Nagini, I presume. You two wouldn't mind not coming with us would you? There is a very nice museum, the British Museum about a fifteen-minute walk away from Diagon Alley. I have money for tickets if you would like." Newt said. He started to write a reply. Nagini had come up the stairs and had been listening to Newt.

"That would be great. We can meet you outside the British Museum at, say, 4:45?" Jacob asked.

"Alright. Though Nagini might want to change. It is quite chilly outside, and you might want to blend in a little more." Tina put in. She had scarfed down her breakfast and was now beckoning Nagini to come to their room. Donning the no-nonsense tone she had used with Queenie when they were younger, she said,

"Alright. You can borrow an outfit from me today, and we can pick up some clothing for you at Diagon Alley." She proceeded to pick out an outfit for Nagini. She knew that Nagini didn't normally wear her type of clothing, but they were good for now. To her surprise, at the bottom of her luggage, she found a long navy and silver floral print skirt and a ruffled cream blouse. She assumed Queenie had snuck it in there. She wouldn't wear it, but it was good for Nagini. She handed it to Nagini, and Nagini beamed.

"Thank you so much! I've never had clothing this nice before." Nagini said.

"It's really no problem at all. You might also want to do up your hair to a more English style. I can do it for you if you would like." Tina offered.

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