Part 13

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"How was your date?" Newt asked, when Tina stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. Tina mumbled something and sat down in a chair at the table.

"It was alright. It was pretty tiring," Tina replied. She looked at the time. The clock read nine am. Two hours after she was supposed to be at work. She stood up and whirled around to face Newt, about to say something angry.

"Tina, before you say anything, look at this," Newt said and held out a rolled up piece of parchment. She opened it, and it read,

Dear Ministry Workers,

The Ministry is on lockdown right now, so you may stay at home for the time being. Aurors, you will come to work tomorrow, as well as all department heads, but otherwise, the Ministry will be on lockdown for an undetermined amount of time.

-Minister Fawley

"Oh. What am I supposed to do today, then?" Tina asked, burying her face in her arms, which were on the table.

"We could visit the Ministry Orphanage, and bring gifts. It's what I do at this time of the year." Newt said.

"Ministry Orphanage?" Tina asked, confused.

"I'm sure you have something like it in America. It's an orphanage for young magical children who already know about magic. Under eleven, so they can't go to Hogwarts. Apparently, we can't trust them to keep magic and the wizarding world a secret, so we have an all-magical orphanage." Newt explained. Tina nodded.

"Do you have gifts?" Tina asked.

"I have a box that I fill with things over time, like little toys I find at the shop. They can pick what they want. And then I always bring some supplies to the caretakers, Mr and Mrs Wells. Blankets and towels, things like that." Newt replied. "Accio gift box!" He pointed his wand at the bedroom door. A medium-sized gift box landed neatly on the table. Tina opened it up. There was a couple of packages of Exploding Snap, a set of Wizards Chess, and some stuffed plush hippogriffs, and some other toys, for magical and non-magical children alike. She looked up at Newt, and said,

"These are lovely toys. The children are so lucky to have you give them gifts every year." Newt blushed.

"I just try my best," Newt mumbled, still blushing. Tina gave him a smile.

"I'll get ready. Give me five minutes." She said. She walked over to her bedroom and closed the door.

She came back out five minutes later, wearing her regular clothing, except with one addition. It was her dark grey cloche hat she was wearing when Newt first met her. He smiled a little at the memory.

"What are you smiling at?" Tina asked, curiously.

"Your hat. I haven't seen you wearing it since I first met you." Newt explained. "I think it's pretty," Newt added, without thinking. He blushed and looked at the ground.

"Oh, um, I just thought I would wear it since it's cold out and I haven't worn a hat," Tina said, blushing too. They didn't know what to say after that, so they got the gifts ready in awkward silence. Newt fetched the box with the supplies for the caretakers, and Tina prepared three large thermoses of cocoa. When they were ready, they walked outside, arms full, and apparated away. They landed in front of a large, gothic style building. They walked up the steps, and Newt neatly rapped on the door in three quick knocks. The door opened to an ageing man, maybe around fifty. He was wearing a well worn brown suit jacket. A woman, around the same age, came walking up.

"Newton! Lovely to see you, please come in. Remember to wipe your boots on the mat, both of you. Is this the day you bring gifts for the children? They're so excited to see you again, they ask me every day when you are coming." The lady said, who Tina assumed was Mrs Wells. Mrs Wells beamed at them and took their coats, which Mr Wells hung up in the coat closet. Mrs Wells asked no questions about who Tina was, the caretakers were just happy for more company. Mrs Wells led the two along a long hallway. She opened the door at the end of the hallway. Inside the room was a large classroom, filled with about forty bored-looking boys and girls, with ages ranging from four to nine. The scratching of quills filled the room. The children wore a standard school uniform, with cardigans and jackets embroidered with the Ministry of Magic seal. Each child had open a grammar workbook, for different age levels. The second Newt and Tina stepped into the classroom, each one of those bored-looking children's heads snapped up. Books closed, scratching stopped, and for a second, there was silence. The younger ones immediately jumped up to surround Newt, with the older ones standing a little behind.

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