Part 16

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Newt brushed the dirt off his pants, and Tina did the same with her skirt. Tina looked around. There was no noise, except for the quiet sounds of small animals. It was small and walled by the hedges. It was very green, with fuschia, saffron and gold peeking around larger leaves. It was cool but warmer than the chilly weather outside. It felt contained, but in a comfortable way, it wasn't claustrophobic. A crystal pool lay stagnant in the corner. A secret garden. It seemed impossible, how lovely it was.

"Wow," Tina breathed. "It's incredible, Newt."

"It's one of my favourite places. I spent a lot of time here when I was little. My mother has only shown it to me, but she said I could show it to one person I really trusted because there are layers of enchantments in this garden." Newt stopped, as he realized what he had said.

"Thank you," Tina replied, softly. She gave him a small, gentle smile. Newt returned it. He walked over to a bush and brought out a wooden chest hidden behind its leaves. He brought out his wand and opened it. Out floated a blanket and two pillows, which he proceeded to lay on the grass. He sat down and gestured for Tina to sit down with him. She sat down, stretching out on the blanket and laying her head on the pillow. Newt did the same, propping his head on his hands on the pillow.

"I would do this a lot as a child during the summer holiday. I would lay on a blanket with a stack of novels or a notebook to take notes of the little creatures." He said, wistfully.

"It sounds really fun. I would spend my summer in Ilvermorny, studying. It wasn't that fun, but I got the best grades in the class. It helped me become an auror, which helped provide for Queenie when she was still in Ilvermorny, so it was useful." Tina replied. There was a trace of sadness in her voice. Newt didn't say anything to that, but he put his hand out and she took it. She intertwined her lithe fingers with his rough ones.

"Thank you." She said, in the same soft voice. Like the library, she felt as if the space needed peace and silence, demanded it, and she didn't want to disturb it.

"As long as you're happy," Newt mumbled, and blushed. He's really sweet, Tina thought.

"Isn't there supposed to be a meteor shower tonight?" Tina asked.

"Yes. I thought this would be a good place to watch it," Newt answered. "It'll start in half an hour, so we can wait for a bit. Anyway, what do you want to do? I have Wizards Chess if you would like." He offered.

"I was actually thinking, um, maybe could you tell me stories of your travels? I haven't heard that much and they sound incredible." She asked.

"Oh! Alright. Um, so one time I was in Australia..." He started. From there on he began to recount what had happened on his travels, recently and not so recently. Tina listened intently, hanging on to every last word. Newt spun his tales quite well. He didn't make it all about how he saved the creatures. He made it singularly about the creatures, and him as someone on the sidelines. And he described each scene so vividly. They both lost track of the time, and it was only because Newt had paused his story that they noticed the first streak of bright light across the sky.

"It's starting!" Tina said, with a bit of childlike wonder. She barely saw the stars, they were covered up with the light pollution in the city. And that Christmas eve, the stars were amazing. Bright bolts of light shot across the sky, silver and white embroidery on the fabric of space. They were impossible to pry your eyes off of. The two laid down on their backs facing the sky, hands still intertwined. Their wish upon the stars? I wish it could be like this forever.

They stayed there for a long time, watching the stars.

It was a while until Newt checked his watch. When he did, he sat up, and said,

"It's a quarter until midnight. We should probably leave. The guest should be heading out by now."

"Well, then let's get to it," Tina replied. She drew her wand and folded up the blanket. It levitated, with the pillows, back into the chest, which closed with a satisfying thump. Tina grabbed Newt's hand once more, and they dived through the hedges, this time landing on their feet. They walked back to the estate. Once they got in, they noticed people apparating out. Newt had to bid farewell to his parents, so they headed to the entrance, where the couple were dismissing guests. Tina went over to say thank you to his mother, but his father walked straight over to him and pulled him into the nearest room, the large coat room.

"Tell me, Newton. Who is that lady?" Newt's father asked, with a sharpness that could only mean cold fury.

"Um, her name is Porpentina Goldstein, she's an auror and she works for Theseus. She lives in New York City." Newt stammered.

"No, I know that much. My question is, who is she to you?" His father asked.

"She's my friend, father. We met a while ago." Newt replied. He felt like he had answered this question too many times.

"What kind of game do you think you're playing with me, Newton?" His father asked, coldly.

"I don't know? I've answered all of your questions truthfully, father." Newt answered, earnestly.

"I've seen the way you've looked at each other. You are very obviously in love, and I don't like it." His father said.

"But we're not in love!" Newt protested.

"Trust me. You're looking at her other like I used to look at your mother. And I don't like it one bit." His father said. Newt, properly bewildered, did not say anything. His father continued. "She's American. And Americans have backward laws and thinking, and no good can come out of a relationship with her." His father explained, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"But father, she's not like the other Americans. She's gone middle head." Newt tried to. explain.

"Still. You don't know who you can trust, especially New Yorkers." His father said, resolutely. And with that, he walked away.

Newt said goodbye to his mother, and they left.

They crept into Newt's apartment as silently as they could. They could tell Jacob and Nagini were asleep, as all the lights were out and the doors were shut. They couldn't hear anything because of the silencing charms, but Newt knew Jacob would probably be snoring loudly behind the door. The two went into their respective rooms, giving each other quiet good nights.

It was Christmas Eve, and it had been one of the best ones, for both of them.


Hi! So, I took a bit of creative liberty with the weather, not that it matters too much. There was not a meteor shower, and I don't know what I was thinking, but that's what happened in the chapter. In real life, there was a heavy blizzard. That's about it.

Have a good day! 

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