Part 17

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Tina woke up to pitch black eyes staring at her excitedly in the face.

"Tina! Wake up! It's Christmas!" Nagini squealed. Tina yawned.

"Hold on, let me properly wake up first," Tina said, stretching. She pushed her covers aside and stood up. She headed to the bathroom, and a couple of minutes later, she had straightened her self out, looking slightly more put together.

"Are Newt and Jacob in the living room yet?" Tina asked.

"No. They'll be up in about five minutes. I set an alarm in their room last night, but they didn't realize," Nagini replied, giggling.

"Well, then let's go wait," Tina said. They headed out of their room, Nagini taking her regular seat and Tina heading to the kitchen to make tea and cocoa. There were sugar cookies in the cupboard, so Tina added those and the drinks to a wooden tray. She levitated those to the living room, and they gently landed on the coffee table. Seconds later, Jacob and Newt stumbled out of their bedroom, rubbing their eyes.

"Nagini, why did you set that alarm?" Jacob asked, with mock annoyance.

"So that everyone can be awake at the same time, and you sleepy-heads won't be in your bedroom all morning," Nagini replied, brightly.

"Fine," Jacob said.

"It's Christmas! Let's open presents," Newt said. The four kneeled by the tree, looking very festive by the green and red with their pyjamas. Nagini's red nightgown brushed the floor, and the rest of them wore flannel pyjamas, in different patterns of red and green.

"Who should go first?" Tina asked.

"Why not Newt? He's letting us stay in his home, it's only fair," Nagini offered. Jacob nodded, so he handed Newt his gift. It was a pastry box, and inside was Newt's favourite dessert, cinnamon and cardamom bread. It was in the shape of a niffler, which was a bonus. Newt bit off one of the feet, smiling. Next, Nagini handed him her present for him. He tore off the wrapping paper. It revealed a small box, with a clasp and a handle.

"Open it, open it!" Nagini said, almost shouting. It was a kit, full of many of the common supplies Newt used to take care of his creatures.

"It's for if you can't get into your case fast enough. So that you can stay with the creature the entire time. I've heard you complaining about it to your creatures when you think no one is listening," Nagini explained, innocently. Newt reddened but then smiled widely.

"Thank you, Nagini! This will be very helpful," Newt said. Nagini smiled back. Lastly, Tina gave Newt his present. Tina waited in anticipation. Newt slowly tore off the silver wrapping paper. He opened the box, and inside was the beautiful set of stationery. He looked at it with no expression for a couple of seconds, and Tina started to fear that he didn't like it. Suddenly, he beamed.

"Tina, this is lovely!" Newt exclaimed. He beamed. Tina, relieved, beamed back.

"So you really like it?" Tina asked. Newt nodded. Behind them, Nagini and Jacob shared a look that said, they still don't realize they love each other?

"Well, my turn is over. It's Nagini's turn next," Newt said. First, Tina handed Nagini her present. Quickly, the wrapping disappeared, and what was left was the silver gown and Nagini's broad smile.

"Thank you! This dress is the prettiest dress I've ever owned!" Nagini exclaimed. She gave Tina a big hug. She took Jacob's present next. It was an Indonesian egg and coconut cake.

"I know you didn't spend much of your life in Indonesia, but I thought you might like it anyway. It was fun to bake something new," Jacob said. Nagini tried some, and a look of thoughtfulness appeared on her face.

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