Part 2

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Newt was looking for Tina. He found her in her room reading A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot. 

"Good morning, Tina," he said, awkwardly.

"Good morning." Tina looked up from her book.

"I was thinking, um, would you like to help me feed my creatures? I thought it might be fun for you," Newt asked.

"Of course I would!" Tina beamed. She got out of bed and said,

"Give me a moment. Let me just change out of my pajamas." She got her clothes and headed to the bathroom. While she was changing, Newt took the opportunity to tidy up in the room. It was very tidy already (thanks to Tina's need for orderliness) but he made up their beds and straightened the pillows. He also found a small thunderbird stuffed animal under the sheets. He smiled and put it on the pillow. Tina came in the room, and said,

"I guess you've found Fluffy. It's been my stuffed animal ever since I was a child." Her smile was full of nostalgia. 

"I like it! It looks exactly like Frank, remember?" Newt grinned.

"Yes it does, doesn't it." She grinned back.

"We should get downstairs, the creatures must be hungry by now." He beckoned Tina to follow him. 

They walked down the staircase into his basement, and once again, Tina was overcome by a sense of wonder. It was magical (figuratively and literally), how each beast had its own habitat, and how they weren't caged up like a zoo. She spotted the zouwu right away. Newt had buckets of food set up already, and they quickly got to work. That day Newt showed Tina how to feed the occamys and the mooncalves. The mooncalves were easy to feed, with their big eyes staring at her, nibbling at the floating pellets that were their food. The occamys were also easy to feed, though she had to break up a small fight for a cockroach between two of the occamys. 

After Newt had fed all of the animals, he had one more thing to show Tina. She walked over to where he was standing, a staircase above a massive pool of water. They could see ripples in the water, but nothing more.

"I will have to dive in to feed the kelpie, so have your wand ready to dry yourself when it splashes, alright?" he told her.

"Sure," she answered. He rolled up his shirt sleeves to his elbows and unbuttoned his top button on his shirt. A faint blush appeared on Tina's cheeks. She hadn't seen him like this since he preferred a more formal getup. 

He dived in the water, and then he was gone. About thirty seconds had passed and nothing had appeared, but then suddenly the water rose into a wall of water, subsequently soaking Tina. She did nothing to dry herself, too entranced by what was happening in the water. The kelpie and Newt seemed to be doing a complex sort of dance, turning and flipping and diving, and Tina did not see the awkward man Newt was around human beings, but a strong man who was passionate about every creature he found and who would do anything for them. 

After the feeding session, Newt got out of the lake he had created. They stared at each other. At the same time, they realized that certain garments (such as the cream button-down shirts they were wearing) got conspicuously translucent. Looking away, they hastily performed drying charms on themselves, making their garments return to the (non-mortifying) opaque cloth it had been minutes ago. They each had their own private thoughts on this. Tina was embarrassed. Wholly. I should have been more careful! But on a separate note, he is surprisingly very built. Handsome, even. No! Tina! Don't think about this! You're dating Achilles, remember?  Newt had somewhat similar thoughts. Oh, come on Newt! See through clothing is NOT ACCEPTABLE. You should have performed a drying charm as soon as possible! Oh, what will Tina think of me now?

They avoided mentioning it for the rest of the day. Though they did blush every time they passed, and Jacob certainly noticed it.

"Hey! Newt! What's up with you and Tina?" Jacob called from the top of the stairs into the basement.

"Ah...nothing, just a minor incident that happened this morning," he called back.

"Care to explain?" Jacob asked.

"Well, both of us were wet after I fed the kelpie and..." Newt trailed off, at a loss for words.

"Ah. Say no more." Jacob smiled to himself as he walked back into the kitchen where he was making paczkis. Ah, Newt and Tina are so adorable, they just don't realize it, he thought to himself.

Author's Note (wow, It feels good to call myself an author!)

So I made a comment that I would upload every week, and that is true, but once I started this I was just so excited to do another one I couldn't help myself. This is my little gift to the people that are reading, just don't expect this often. Gotta go, bye!

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