Part 21

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Tina opened her eyes. Where am I? she thought. She rolled around, concluding that she was on the sofa. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. A blanket slipped off her shoulders. As the events that had happened earlier, or yesterday, well, she wasn't sure, came flooding back to her, she forcefully shoved them into the corner of her mind for later. She blinked a couple of times, and her vision cleared. Newt, Nagini, Jacob, and Theseus, surprisingly, were in the kitchen. Nagini was washing the dishes, while Theseus was drying them and using magic to float them into the cupboard. Jacob and Newt were sitting at the table, and everyone was talking. Newt was flushing, his hands partly covering his face. The others were smiling widely and laughing. She smiled softly. It was such a pleasant, lovely scene, as if everyone was family, even though the only two real relations were Newt and Theseus.

Newt, who was desperately trying to get out of the conversation he was stuck in, looked side to side for an escape. He looked towards Tina, and instead of seeing her sleeping, he saw her staring at him, a peaceful, content expression on her face. He stood up.

"Tina's up, you know," he said. The chatter stopped, and their gazes all turned to Tina. She stood up, smoothed down her hair, and joined the rest of the group.

"Hey guys," she said, by way of greeting. They returned the sentiment.

"So, are you hungry? You haven't had lunch, and it's past dinner," Jacob asked.

"Yes please."

"So, how was earlier?" asked Nagini, a grin appearing on her face. Tina then realized that she had abandoned a battle earlier that day.

"I'm sorry Theseus, I wasn't thinking, I should have stayed at the battle, please don't demote me, please," Tina begged. 

"Why would I demote you? I came over to see if you were alright. You managed to capture Tolliver, and you helped capture Vinda Rosier. You're staying as an auror," stated Theseus. Tina let out a great sigh of relief. She was keeping her job. Jacob handed her a plate of steamed carrots, pork and baked beans. She accepted it gratefully, mumbling thanks.

"Well, as we've gotten the status of your career all fixed up, we've got to deal with what happened between you and Newt," Nagini said. Newt groaned. Tina shoved food into her mouth so she wouldn't have to talk.

"We've pried most of it out of Newt, but there's one thing we still need," Jacob added.

"Did you kiss?" Theseus asked, with a malicious grin. Neither Newt or Tina responded, though both of them flushed bright red, which gave them away.

"You did!" exclaimed the three interrogators.

"My little brother has a girlfriend!" exclaimed Theseus.

"I don't know about that," both Newt and Tina said.

"Uh, I think so. You two are perfect for each other. And you kissed. Jacob and I have seen it for a while. Achilles was a jerk, and the only reason you were with him is that you felt jilted. But it wasn't Newt's fault, and you know that you love him," Nagini stated to Tina, all in one breath. 

"Nagini's right. But you don't have to rush anything," Jacob added. Newt and Tina just looked at each other, not saying anything. There was an awkward silence.

"Maybe you're right," Tina finally said. She looked to Newt for confirmation.

"Yes. I think," Newt responded.

"Yes! Finally!" Nagini exclaimed.

"My little brother has a girlfriend!" repeated Theseus.

"Belt up!" Newt shot back. Theseus merely laughed. What have we got into? thought both Newt and Tina. But they both knew the teasing was all in good fun.

After the teasing, laughing, and more teasing was done, they all ate paczkis in relative silence.

"I should probably go," Theseus said, standing up and pushing his chair in.

"See you tomorrow, Theseus," Tina said. Theseus headed towards the door and slipped on his coat.  

"Oh. Wait, I forgot something. I'll explain tomorrow. Just wait," Theseus said. He reached into his pocket and brought out a letter, which he handed to Tina. And then he left, turning to nothing as he disapparated. Tina unfolded the letter and started to read.

Dear Theseus Scamander,

This may come as a shock, but I know the location of the aurors and the other people that disappeared in the blue flames in Paris. They did not die. They were sent to Nurmengard Castle, in Germany. I'll try to send the exact location of the castle soon. They are all being held in a prison. I have only been able to visit them once. Leta Lestrange told me to tell you she misses you. There are a total of twelve British aurors and seven French aurors. Twenty people in total, nineteen aurors and Leta. And the boy, Credence is safe. As safe as he can be in the presence of Grindelwald. Grindelwald has given Credence a wand. I'll send more information soon, this is all I can deliver for now.


A Friend

"Leta's alive," Newt said, shaken.

"This-this is-it can't be-" Tina stuttered.

"What is it?" Nagini asked, peering over Tina's shoulder.

"This is Queenie's handwriting. It's disguised pretty well, but I would know my sister's handwriting anywhere."

A/N (very important)

And that's all, folks! The book is over. Yeah. The story isn't, though, I'm pretty sure you know that there will be a sequel. Don't go just yet though, because there will be a last, long A/N to thank everybody. The A/N will come out very soon, so stay tuned! 

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