Chapter XXXI: Double Date

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(QUESTION AT THE END, (Haven't done that in a while))

The next morning, Robert was making blueberry pancakes for everyone. There was already a respectable amount on the plate, and a full bottle of maple syrup sitting next to it. Robert just ran out of batter when Steven woke up. "Would you happen to have any more flour anywhere? I just need a bit to finish up the pancakes." said Robert.

"Yeah, it's in the cabinet. You know, the Gems don't need to eat, if that's why you're making them." Steven responded.

"Well, I figured they'd appreciate it at the very least, and if someone doesn't want theirs, Amethyst can eat 'em." said Robert as he poured the last of the batter in the pan.

Just then, the Gems came out of their respective rooms of the temple. "Someone's ready to start the day," said Garnet, patting Robert's back. "Everyone gets three, if you don't want your pancakes, I think Amethyst will be more than happy to eat them," Robert explained. There were exactly twenty-four pancakes on the plate.

"You made this for us?" Pearl asked. Robert nodded as he got out plates for everyone. "Wait, twenty-four divided by three is eight, and there's only six of us here? What about the other two?" Amethyst asked.

"I thought Lapis and Peridot would appreciate some pancakes as well." said Robert as he took a plate to the barn.

"I'm coming with you, like it or not." said Amethyst, grabbing a plate with three pancakes.

When he got there, Lapis was sitting next to Peridot, seemingly working on a Virtual Boy, although it was green instead of red, and the label on the front seemed to be replaced with what appeared to be a slot used for disks. There were also two black Wii nunchucks whose wires have been cut off. Robert looked away from the contraption and gave Lapis her pancakes.

"What's the occasion?" she asked. "Well, I wanted to ask you for something..." said Robert.

"What do you want?" she asked, taking a bite of her pancakes. "By the way, what did you put in these? They're really good."

"I put in blueberries, and I wanted to ask you about our double date" Robert explained. "You mean about who's coming? I asked Peridot, and she insisted on wanting to take Amethyst." Lapis answered. Robert smiled, because he liked the idea of Amethyst and Peridot being together, That's when he noticed a painting of the quartz on the wall.

"Actually, I wanted to ask you if we could reschedule it for later on today." Robert asked.

Lapis blushed "W-Why would you do that?" she asked.

Robert blushed. "Well, the wait's been rather painful...and I wanted to head out to get my parents, as well as my sister, as soon as possible." said Robert, blushing,Lapis's eyes widened as she lightly pushed Robert.

"You never told me you had a sister!" she shouted.

"Well, one, I didn't either," said Robert, "And two, you didn't ask."

"Wait, you have a sister? What's her name? Where is she?" asked Amethyst.

Robert blushed. "I...don't know her name, she began talking to me and Michael telepathically from the Human Zoo...She said our real parents were with her, and they were going to be executed in a month" Robert explained.

"I'm sorry," Lapis responded as she pulled him into a tight hug. Robert returned the favor.

"I really hope you're not using this as a guilt trip," Lapis whispered.

"I'm not, you can come with me tomorrow if you want me to prove it." Robert whispered back. Lapis held on tighter. "What if your family doesn't like me?" she asked. Robert thought for a moment.

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