Joy Ride with Poe Dameron (Fluffy AF)

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"Are you ready for this?" your boyfriend of almost a year asks you as you walk towards the Resistance hangar.  He looks down at your beauty, feeling as though he won the lottery everytime he gets to see you.

You look up into his deep cocoa eyes, feeling nervous yet exilerated at the thought of flying through space with your one true love.  He gives you an apprehensive smile, and you return it by saying, "Never been more."

His face lights up brighter than the stars, his eyes lightening and growing larger as you say that.

"Good," he says, sneakily interlocking your hand with his rugged one, "I promise to take good care of you.  This is coming from the best pilot in the galaxy."

You smile but also roll your eyes silently to yourself as he flaunts his flying capabilites.  What a dude.

As you enter the hangar, Resistance workers scurry around tampering, filling, and repairing X-Wing fighters that are in need of maintenence.  Your chest rises and falls more frequently as you start to feel anxious.  You have always been terrified of flying, especially in any sort of fighter.  Poe has always been so sweet about your utter fear of flying even though he flies for a living, shooting down First Order enemies.  It blows your mind how someone can do that without losing their mind and having a panic attack.  Poe blows your mind.  He's unbelievable.

What's even more unbelievable is that he picked YOU of all people to like.  YOU.  The girl who doesn't even walk the same hall that branches out into the hangar, the girl who can't even think about getting into a fighter.  The most skilled fighter in the galaxy picked you of all people for some insane reason.  It's an unsolved mystery.

You start to get lost inside your own mind prison just like every other time you feel anxious. Your anxiety occurrences have slowed down since you figured out a way to avoid the triggers such as walking the same hallway as the hangar or going twenty feet of a ship. As you begin to shake, you feel the light circles Poe is writing on the back of your hand, letting you know you're okay. Poe always does that, rub your wrist, or play with your hair to calm you down if you're anxious or stressed.

You look up and make eye contact with your handsome boyfriend.

He smiles down at you and tucks a strand of your (Y/H/C) hair behind your ear, giving you a small smile. "It's gonna be okay, (Y/N)." he leans in and plants a feather like kiss on your plump lips, "Trust me."

Your eyes fill with the brightness of the sun, a smile larger than a planet takes over your lips.

"I trust you, Captain Dameron," you snicker and stand on your tippy toes to return him a kiss. "I love you."

He smiles looking at his feet responding, "I love you too, (Y/N)."

Your heart leaps across the room, doing somersaults all over the place. You feel yourself glowing in compassion and love.

You both stay in a comfortable silence as you march to Poe's ship.  The perfect coat of fresh paint put on yesterday showing off the ship's natural beauty. You can still smell the paint flowing around the ship. Poe grabs his fierce black and orange helmet from the seat of the open X-Wing.  You immediately feel intimidated by his professionalism.  Then he pulls another helmet out from in front of the seat. It's a scrappy white and orange helmet that looks way older and more used than Poe's.

You look at it in awe as he tosses it down into your hands.  He looks at you as you  stare at the bruised helmet.

"It's from my training days," he says as he puts his  helmet onto his head, concealing his chocolate brown orbs by a shield.

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