Conflict With Poe Dameron

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You saw it again.  Goddammit why doesn't Poe listen to me?  His girlfriend is visably cheating on him everytime you see her.  This time she was kissing a pilot from another squadron behind his Y-Wing.  Everytime you try and confront Poe about his cheating girlfriend, he always backs her up saying that she's not that kind of girl.  I'll try and tell him one more time.  If he doesn't listen, then I'm going to save myself the pain of helping him.

You walk down the bustling hallways of the Rebel base on Endor.  The smell of the vast, lush wilderness overtaking the smell of sweaty uniforms and ship fuel.  This planet is a paradise.

The busy hallway turns into an almost empty corridor lined with room doors for Rebels.

"Which room is his again?" you whisper to yourself, looking for his familiar door.  Soon you find the door with his name plated into the side of the wall.  Taking a deep, uneasy breath you knock on the cold metal.  After a few seconds, the door slides open to reveal a messy and exhausted Poe Dameron.  A breath catches in the back of your throat as you see the handsome pilot you've always wanted for yourself.

His girlfriend is a gorgeous, fame-seeking blonde who helps wax and polish the Rebel ships.  Poe and she met while she was polishing his ship.  She was leaning all over his ship with her skirt yanked up her hips, and her above average bust rubbing all over his windshield.  He obviously liked what he saw.

She on the other hand used his admiration for her body and testosterone to her advantage, getting praise for being the Poe's girl.  But even with that title, she has shown everything but loyalty to the young man.  She's been seen kissing and doing the dirty with plenty of men.  Lots of people have told Poe what she does behind his back.  But even then, he ceases to recognize the fact that the most famed pilot in the galaxy is being used by a ship polisher for his clout. 

She doesn't love him.

But you do.

Your name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N).  A pilot who's in Captain Dameron's squadron (Black Squadron) who loves flying alongside him no matter what.  You'd rather do nothing else.  You're gorgoeous in your own ways with your (Y/H/C) hair and your striking (Y/E/C) eyes.  Poe always just fails to see it considering you two are absolute best friends.  You've been best friends since you were in diapers.  With that, both of you end up friendzoning each other a lot.  Even though you both have had some intense feelings on each other for awhile.  Not gonna lie, both of you are too scared to bring it up to the other in fear that the other doesn't feel the same way.  It's been this way for as long as you can remember.

You're taken by surprise on how unkept and yet still handsome the man looks, "Hey (Y/N) whatsup?" he asks with a small smile on his face.  He lightly scratches his unkept and prickly scruff on his jawline.  The view making you blush very lightly. He's so attractive even when he's a fucking mess.

"Uh, hi Poe, can I talk to you about something?" you ask him timidly.

"Yeah, no problem, (Y/N)," he says with happiness swimming in his voice.  He ushers you inside his messy room.  Clothes litter the floor, and an open amber-colored whiskey lay on his bedside table.

You look around, not surprised at all by the man's messy ass room.  You've known him for too long.  If it were any other way, you'd be concerned about where your friend went

"Your room is very clean," you comment, chuckling a bit.  He closes the door and looks to you, letting out a tiny laugh.

"Yeah, I guess you can say that," he says to you.

The conversation goes on to you bringing up the topic of his ungrateful girlfriend.  He looks extremely annoyed and tired about you bringing it up again.  The change in his expression tells you how much he hates people nagging on him about her.  He's old but not old enough to have experience with these kinds of situations, so he just throws the conversation into the trashcan like always.  You try and reason with him, telling him what you've seen and how it hurts you to see someone like him being used by someone like her.  After you reason with him for a few minutes, he lashes out at you in an unlike Poe way, yelling at you in a way that scares you.  It's obvious he'd drank too much the night before.  Probably out of stress of the upcoming mission.  The mission is happening sometime this week, Resistance scouts had reported back to General Leia saying that the First Order has planned an attack on their base sometime this week.  Apparently word got out that the Resistance is placed in Endor.  Some people thought it was a hoax though because who in the base would give us away to the enemy?  Spies are always a possibility, so nobody doubts it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2019 ⏰

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