Eden Club

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Stella POV:

Dad finally stopped the car in front of The Eden Club so I turned my head to look at him "Aw... Feels like somebody's playing with a drill inside my skull..." Well, to be honest, that's your man fault dad, you shouldn't be drinking so much "You sure this is the place?" Why would an android get the location wrong?

"It's the address in the report." Knew Connor wouldn't have gotten the location wrong. Why is dad so annoyed about this... Is it because of the androids in the club?

"Right... Okay... Let's get going." We all headed out the car but dad was having trouble "Jesus..." I went to my dad's side to help him out the car so when he was finally out I closed the door for him and started walking towards Connor only to be attacked by someone

"Stella" I turned my head and noticed it was Kelly so I hugged her "Am I disturbing your case?" I shook my head. Kelly was about to speak but she noticed Connor "An RK800 model. You must be Connor, Stella has told me a lot about you" Kelly got her hand out "My name's Kelly" Connor shook her hand.

"Dad" I looked at my dad "Do you remember Kelly?" Dad looked at me with confusion in his eyes causing me to sigh "Kelly and I use to date in high school" I let out a quick groan

"Oh, Kelly. Kelly Gordon. The high school girlfriend that you talked about a lot" Kelly placed her hand on my shoulder "It was amazing to see Stella so happy when you two were together" Dad began to get a headache "Stella wouldn't have found out that she was bisexual if it wasn't for your help"

I quickly looked at Kelly "I'll talk to you later Kelly" I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek "Call me when you get home okay" Kelly nodded with a smile on her face "Be careful" Kelly walked away so I started to head to The Eden Club.

"Sexiest androids in town," Dad spoke, "Now I know why you insisted on coming here!" Eden Club isn't that bad but I am upset that the androids and being used for this kind of thing. It's quite disturbing for me. "Oh, boy..." When we walked into the Club one thing caught my eye. I noticed a North model. I was quite shocked but it makes sense on why she acts so cold towards others.

"Connor, Stella! The fuck are you doin'?" I turned my attention to my dad and saw he was looking at Connor so I turned around and saw Connor was staring at me. I was confused about why he was looking at me so I gave him a quick smile and turned my head to look at my dad

"Coming, Lieutenant." Connor began to walk off so when he walked passed me I decided to put my hand on his shoulder "Is everything okay Stella?" I was confused about why he asked me that but I guess he's trying to change the subject since I caught him staring at me.

"Yeah I'm fine Connor" I looked at my dad and saw he was talking to Ben and the Manager "Um... Connor were you surprised to find out that I'm bisexual?" Connor nodded "Well if you ever wanna know anything else about me you can always just come to me" I removed my hand of Connor's shoulder and walked towards the crime scene.

Dad, Connor and I walked in but I stopped in my tracks when i noticed Gavin in the room "Lieutenant Anderson, officer Anderson and their plastic pet..." I was about to attack Gavin but I felt Connor's and my dads hand on my shoulders "The fuck are you three doin' here?" Wait why is Gavin here. Dad, Connor and me investigate android crimes Gavin doesn't.

"We've been assigned all cases involving androids." Connor and I replied which caused Gavin to glare at us in anger. I am so glad I am not Gavin's partner, he's such a douche bag sometimes. I placed my hands on my hips and let out a sigh just to calm myself down.

"Oh, yeah?" Gavin asked "Well, you're wasting your time. Just some pervert who, uh, got more action than he could handle." I looked at the victim and just by looking at him I can tell it was a homicide. There is no way he could have had a heart attack, I don't know why I think it was a homicide...

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