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Years had passed from the day Star graduated from UA high. A great day of her life that is. She was unfortunate to not be able to graduate with her best friend Moon though.

She was a strange socially akward girl, that Moon, her quirk being a large black wolf and her being a werewolf with her quirk. Years ago, third year of highschool at UA, Moon completely disappeared. One day everyone woke up and she wasn't in her bed like she was the night before. Some people assumed she gave up with life and ended it all. Some say she was kidnapped. Some say she just disappeared into thin air. But not a single person knows where the girl actually went. All they no is that she disappeared without a trace.

After graduating, Star went off to study more hero stuff and finally officially become a hero. Star felt pride in herself for making it that far.

Star kept in contact with her boyfriend Todoroki at the time. The two of them frequently hanged out together and went on dates. Well until one day, one day Todoroki became Star's ex by asking a certain question. The question was marrage.

The two of them were married and moved to medium to large city. They were there to protect the city.

The two of them would do morning and night daily patrols with each other. As heros it was their job.

Sometimes Todoroki had to go other places to work since he was the number 5 hero after all. He still proceeded to try to climb higher then Bakugou though, who's drive had gotten him to 4th in the heros. Then there was Star who rested around the 20's usually, sometimes even dropping down to the 30's.

Star had mastered her quirk by then and it had become powerful to her. Working every single day till her body gave out with her boyfriend got her there. She still wished she could be higher up with her husband though.

The couple didn't wish to have kids. Todoroki was too afraid that he would be like his father to them. They barely could think of the idea of just getting a cat to live with them.

On the other side Deku and Bakugou continued to fight for who was better. Bakuguo did end up losing some spirit after losing his belated girlfriend Moon when she disappeared. Kirishima began to replace her slowly, the two did not date but other could tell that they probably should because of their strange relationship.

But little did everyone know that there world was just going to be turned upside down.

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