Chapter 5: Evening

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The group spent the rest of the short morning planning how they were going to do this. They decided that they were going to use Uraraka as the bait. Momo found stuff to cover Uraraka's scent just incase Moon would remember it from those many years ago.

After a lot of planning, they found out where she was attack next or at least where they thought she would. She was going in a straight shot down through Japan. Attacking in every medium busy city and it was only during the evening never earlier or later. The city about thirty minutes away from Star's city was going to probably be the next target as they thought.

Uraraka was given a black wig and a different style of clothing to wear. They double checked to make sure she didn't look suspicious just casual. They also gave her a bag fun of emergency weapons like pepper spray and a expanded about melt stick.

Uraraka's mission was to drive Moon into a corner. After she would use her quirk on her so she wouldn't be able to escape. Or the use of her quirk will be used to save herself.

After Uraraka made Moon float, they would tie her mouth, legs and everything. She would be immoblized and then sooner after knocked out. They would transport her back to Stars in a van they rented. Then with heavy duty chains, they would lock her up in Star's garage. If they made it that far, they would try to fix Moon or at least try to make her more human like again.

They all piled into a car and the van they were renting and headed to the city. This was excluding Kirishima  who went to go get Bakugou to help them. Once they arrived, they sent Uraraka out before they, after they gave her a tracking device, just incase something happened. They then all spread out around her in small groups to make sure their plan want out correctly.

Uraraka walked through the streets near the alley ways. The sun was setting in the distance but Uraraka was more concerned about her job. She knew that everyone was slowly following her from behind but it didn't reassure her enough.

The tracking device Momo put on her made a quiet beep which made Uraraka jump. She was a little jumpy because of her fear. She knew that she was going to be alright but her body hadn't excepted the fact yet and made her on edge.

A wiff of something terrible and rotten hit Uraraka's nose. She cringed harshly at the smell, it smelled like a rotting carcass. It was extremely disgusting. She ignored the smell and continued forth.

Still in the distance, the sun began to sink towards the ground. It already touched the horizon as it tried to disappear. The moon in the distance was slowly climbing up the sky waiting to replace the fallen sun.

Uraraka's hairs on her arm stood up. The feeling of being followed hit her. She knew that their plan was working now. She felt blood thirsty eyes on her back, it was a terrible feeling to feel and she wanted to just be attack to make it go away.

The noise of something tapping against the cement was heard. It followed behind Uraraka. She turned around hoping to see something but all she saw was they darkness of the shadows.

Uraraka stared into the darkness hoping to see the red eyes staring back at her but there was no luck. She shrugged it off, turned back around and went back to walking.

A strong force hit Uraraka's back and she let out a scream as she was shoved to the group. Her vision immediately went black.

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