Chapter 8: Distress

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Less than a half an hour after they locked her up, Moon awoke and she was no close to happy. The wolf thrashed in the chains and constantly growled. It bucked it's body whipped it's self around, put it's into pain to try escape. It was at if for over fifteen minutes straight before it stopped to look around.

Star was finally able to see the creature's eyes once it had stopped. They were not the murderous ones she had saw that night but they were full of pure fear. They searched the room in a panicked stated as if their life depended on it. It was competition terrified of where it was.

The form of the wolf was different now and not because of the chains. It was in a submissive stance and Star could see it visibly shaking. It's tail was also tucked between it's shaking legs. It no longer howled and snarled but it was whimpering. It was utterly terrified.

"What is wrong with her?" Uraraka asked from behind Star, she had also been watching.

"Good question... It is completely terrified of that room... It isn't terrifying, it is terrified," Star said in shock.

Iida pushed up his glasses and walked over by them, "Was Moon scared out small spaces? It could be a habit of being claustrophobic."

Star shook her head, "She never had a problem with small spaces. She loved them actually. She was more afraid of drowning and surprises."

They turned back to Moon to see her laying on the ground. It looked like she had just given up on everything. It was a depressing scene to see such a terrifing creature lay on the ground like it was going to get killed.

"I'm going in there," Star said as she grabbed her phone so she could talk to them when she was in there.

"Don't do that yet!" Iida said to her. "We don't know if it is safe!"

"She can't get at me, I have pepper spray and a pocket knife on me and my phone so if something bad happens you guys can rush in on the moment," Star said calmly.

"Before you do-" Momo said as she ran over. "Give this to her, it might calm her." Momo handed over a plate of neatly chopped up meat bits and a dish with high sides with water in it. "And just in case," Momo set a dart gun in her hand.

Star noded at her carefully taking the gun from her hand and putting it into her pocket. She then took the plate and dish in her hands and headed to the door of the room. Uraraka help her open it and the wolf immediately stood up to face her. The wolf followed her movements as she moved in the room.

The creature seemed to sense fear from Star. It immediately changed from the crying wolf from before to a sober wolf watching her movements, studying every twitch of a muscle.

Star held the bowl of water so it could see it before setting it down and kicking it over to her. It cautiously sniffed the water before putting it's mouth next to it. It sniffed it once more before placing it's locked muzzle in the water. It had just enough room to open it's mouth that it to drink, with lot's of difficulty.

It finished the water in a matter of seconds and used it's nose to flick it up hard and almost hit Star who dashed out if the way. On impact, the glass bowl shattered on the wall and others ran two check on Star.

Star took in sharp heavy breaths as she stared at the creature. It stared back, it had began to snarl. It did a rough yank on the chains binding it but all the did the clank. It thrashed around it's body, trying to get closer to Star. Star looked around to see her arm was bleeding. The wolf was watching the blood. It seemed to have a blood drive.

Star immediately had them get her our of there. She told them everything that had happened and they quickly fixed her up.

Star turned back to look once more in the room. The creature still tossed and turned in the room. It still wished to kill.

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