Chapter 10: Progress

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"This is really good! This is better than I could ever imagine!" Momo said excitedly as she rewatched the video.

Uraraka then walked in the garage with a couple bags of food. They had a little lab in Star's garage. Midoriya, Uraraka, Momo, Mina, Kirishima and Bakugou had been living there for the past few days.

They had brought in several tables and chairs. There were sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, air mattresses everywhere and they had a section where they had notebooks and computers where they were processing their data on Moon. They even had moved a heater in there to keep them warm. Winter was coming and it was getting colder by the minute. It was about 41°F outside and was windy.

The group, consisting of Izuku, Tenya, and Momo, began to study their new data. They put in that now her dog affected her. They also had that Star saying her name affected her as well. Nothing else had worked so far but they weren't close to stopping now. They were going to figure out how to fix her no matter what the cost was.

They were going to plan out a few more tests to do to Moon for later. They planned to feed her after the tests to see if that made her better. They we're going to try others saying her name. Once again, they were going to try what would happen if there was fresh blood near her. To see if she actually had a blood lust.

It was now time for Star to revisit her husband in the hospital. She was concerned about what he would think if he was able to come home. Knowing him, he would kick everyone from the house and turn Moon into the cops. Especially because if what she did to him, his wife and many others.

Star headed out of the garage. She decided she would walk to the hospital to give her sometime to clear her mind. Also to figure out what to do with Shoto.

It was a calm day out. The trees swayed in the wind and through her hair. It helped Star think. The silence seemed to relax her greatly.

After walking a few blocks, Star began to feel a drive back to her house. She couldn't discribe it but it was like a string tied to her shirt, yanking her home. It bothered her a lot.

Once in a while, Star would turn around to check if anything was behind her. The feeling still hadn't gone away and she was starting to get concerned. New thoughts began to collide inside of her head. What if it was the 'owner' of Moon? What if he was coming to take her out and use her to get his little pet back? Or was it a spy hero? Were they suspicious of then having Moon in her garage? Were they going to take her to jail.

Star's ring tone was then heard, making her jump slightly. She pulled out her phone and read that Momo was calling her. Star concernly looked down at the screen for a second before picking up.

"Momo? What do you want? Why are you calling?-" Star started out but then was stopped short by Momo's voice.

"Star you have to come home soon! Something is happening! I have no time to talk!" Momo said through the phone. Star had no clue if she was scared or excited.

Star quickly put away her phone in her pocket. She then started a swift jog towards her house. She didn't know what was happening but she was going to go find out.

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