Chapter 15: Just Human

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Star stared into Moon's room. Since the plate had shattered, everyone was concerned about what had happened and had rushed over. Laying on the ground where the giant black wolf was a woman. Excessively long black hair hung from her head and a black tail was wrapped around her body. After a quick look, they could tell that the person wasn't wearing any clothing.

Everyone panicked. Momo began to produce a towel and threw it over the woman to cover her up. She was out completely. And she wasn't just any woman, she was Moon.

The girls moved the body out of the room and to Star's living room couch. They ran around her in disbelief.

"It's her," Star said almost breathless.

"It is, she is back to us girls," Momo said with an airy relieved sigh.

While the guys were busy with Moon, they didn't hear the front door open. They didn't hear the foots steps towards the room they were in. Except Star. She looked up and saw Todoroki staring at her lovingly.

"Shoto!" Star shouted excitedly and immediately ran up to him and jumped into his healed arms.

He quickly kissed her forehead and hugged his wife. They shared a moment of a minute or two before Star hopped down out of Todoroki's arm's.

"What is..." Todoroki looked over to see the body laying on their couch. Momo, Uraraka and Mina akwardly waved at him. He quickly turned to Star for answers.

"So um... Don't get made but..." Star started off before she got into the story of the last couple of days.

"Oh and you have to leave now," Mina said from the couch. "Moon needs her privacy."

"But you're..." Shoto started before sighing and turning around to go to the kitchen.

Moon groaned in her sleep and them opened her eyes. A babble of none sense came out of her mouth. She was confused afterwards.

"Hi Moon..." Waved Uraraka.

Moon tilted her head slightly and tried to sit up, she noticed she had arms and she studied them for a moment. She looked around once more and grumbled something.

"Can you not speak or something?" Momo asked Moon.

Moon looked and her and nodded. She makes some hand gestures then coughed. She was flooded with confusion but she was surviving it. 

Everyone was a distance away from her giving her space. No matter how much they wanted to hug her.

Moon pointed downwards then at their clothing. Telling that she needed some clothes. Star nodded and ran upstairs, she had kept a few of Moon's clothing from when she had disappeared. It was good memories. She came with a sweatershirt, clearly won't fit her and some sweatpants. She handed them to Moon.

Moon put her hand up and had Mina help stand her up. She didn't have the best balance on two feet. She was led to the bathroom and they left her alone.

Several minutes later, wabbled out Moon in her sweatpants and sweatshirt. They looked way too big for her, she had lose an extreme amount of weight. Mina and Momo rushed to her side to help her walk. They walked her to the kitchen and at her on the kitchen table.

Moon looked terrible. Her hair was way too long, ratty and fizzy. Scares emboareded her face and everywhere else. Dried blood stained her face and especially around her mouth. Her nails were broken.

"You need a serious make over. Do you mind?" Momo asked her politely.

Moon nodded slowly then pointed to her mouth. She was hungry. Mina and Star prepared food for Moon while Uraraka and Momo began to prepare the make over.

After a lot of work, Moon's hair was tamed again. They had cut off over three feet of hair and now it was slightly longer than shoulder length. It was washed several times and so was her face. Need assortments and brushing was done to Moon's tail and ears. They also got a nice trim. They then prepared a warm bath for her and she chilled there for awhile. She came back looked more human like less murder/zombie like.

They then made lists of food they were going to make her. She was very unhealthily under weight and they couldn't feed her average amounts of food at her state. They also spent a chuck of time try to help her speak again. It had been a while so she couldn't any longer.

They spent a day on her making sure she was good. She wasn't like and average human yet but she was good. They planned this show the boys soon.

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