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The next time Flug woke up, he was bound and gagged, in what felt like a plastic box. He struggles and called for help until it was hard to breathe and the walls felt like they were compressing against him. When he came to next, he was being hoisted from a suitcase. Golden Monarch smiles at him as if nothing is wrong as he hands him over to another man.

The man speaks in French. Flug had learned the very basics a long time ago, when he was still a teenager. The language was lost to him these days, he could only catch hints of words. He pretends to still be asleep, even as he's uncomfortably shifted in the man's arms. He speaks against and works a finger underneath one goggle and slips it up. It takes all the strength in the scientist to hold back the urge to writhe away from his touch.

"BlackHat." Golden Monarch answers to something the man had asked. The answer receives a noise of interest from the man holding him. A moment later the man pushes up the other goggle and responds through wicked laughter. He turns and begins to walk away from Golden Monarch, who responds equally as amused sounding.

Flug chances a look at the man holding him, he had a weaselly appearance. His face was oddly perfectly symmetrical except for his long, slightly bent nose. His hair was slicked back with copious amounts of gel that despite itself couldn't hold a majority of the blonde hair in place. He panted slightly as he walked, as if the slow pace he had set was leaving him out of breath.

He carries Flug down a flight of stairs, then a pair of large, metal doors that opened with a loud creak. A suffocating silence follows as he's carried into the rather cold room. He's placed on a hard surface that feels like stone and digs into the skin of his arms. After a few long moments, the doors give a plangent groan as they shut. The scientist jolts up as the locks click in place.

The room is dark and parky. The walls and floor are made of stone, it's cracked and the ceiling is leaking in a few places. There are others as well, a great majority of which, were women and grossly young children. They huddle in clumps around the room, hugging one another tightly and crying faintly. Most of the women were in revealing or ratty clothes, their hair either unkempt or in some form of malformed bun or braid. The children were worryingly cadaverous.

A slight woman asks Flug something in French when they make eye contact. He recognizes her from last year's European convention. She was the apprentice of L'épouvantable Crook, an up incoming French villain notorious for selling illegal and exotic animals on the black-market along side of larceny of French government officials. Flug replies rather meekly in German, stating that he could speak German or English.

Her eyes held a faint glow of green, despite the striking blue of her iris. She was a pale woman, who nearly appeared to be made of porcelain. Silky blonde hair had been pulled into a bun that now appeared to be melting off her hair. Her once elegant ivory dress was tattered and stained.

A man sprawled in the corner stirs from all the noise. He had gnarly bruises across one check and one eye, his lip was busted and fresh blood gave an unnerving shine to his beard even in such poor lighting. His hands were suspended above him, attached to the wall with thick shackles and heavy chains. He spits out a mixture of saliva and blood before speaking; it was obvious he was not brought here without a good fight.

"Who's are you?" He had a guttural way of speak, made even rougher sounding through a heavy Russian accent. He looked human enough to Flug, no identify markings on the skin, or other oddities that would give away any form of mythological origins.

"BlackHat." He responds, surprised by the growl from the back of his throat. The man snorts in mock amusement and shakes his head.

"Мастер меча." He says, pausing to clear his throat and glance towards a group of women who's been crying together as Flug was brought in but had quiet down now. "I was traveling alone when гремучая змея's gang ambushed me."

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