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Mega angst warning. Also, a lot of blood, gore/body horror and violence in this one. And, uh, another warning, maggots in open wounds are present near the middle of this chapter, just a brief mention but be aware if that squicks you out, and some trypophobia

It was a quiet Saturday morning. The week prior had gone by painstakingly slow. The stress of being unable to relay what had happened that one morning leaving his nerved shot and him on edge the entire week. Last night had been the first night Flug had managed to squeeze in a whole night's sleep after passing out while reading. He was even exhausted enough to not stir when the sound of three pairs of shoes worked their way up the stairs to the loft. It's not until he's being hauled from under the covers and pressed against the ground that he wakes. His scream as his arms are forced behind his back startles Cäcilie awake. She jolts up as Flug squirms beneath whoever has him pinned. For a moment he thinks he can hear her call his name but his mind is muddy and focusing on the sensation of something closing around his wrists.

"Get off him!" She yells and leaps off her bed.

"Sit." Berith demands as she reaches to grab at the person. Flug's hauled to his feet and shakes his hair from his face, his nose and forehead throbbed where it had hit the ground and his chest ached. Turning his head he can see a panicked looking Cäcilie sat on the edge of her bed. Her hands curled into white knuckled fists and her legs jerk as if she's attempting to stand but her body won't move. Stood just behind him is the Father, a vicious scowl on his face.

"We must move the demon quickly, who know if its tainted her soul." He says. Demon? Flug's mind draws a blank; they couldn't be talking about him- could they? He wasn't a demon, he was a human!

"What- No! Wait-" He struggles against the Father's hold, shaking his head. "I'm not-" Suddenly there's a hand in his hair and his head is yanked to the side and forced to face the Father's. There's an evil gleam in his eye, one that knows no mercy and hungers for power.

"Listen here, foul beast. You will keep your mouth shut until we reach the church or else I will make your exorcism even more painful." He looks over to Cäcilie for help, but whatever command had been placed on her was still in effect. Berith just watched from the top stair, arms crossed and looking rather bored. Esther looked just as thrilled by the whole thing as the Father did.

"I'm not a demon!" He's nearly yelling, desperate to be believed. The Father pays this no mind and shoves him towards the stairs. Berith moves out of the way, moving to stand beside Cäcilie. He stumbles and catches himself before he can fall down the stairs, turning back around he tries to reason with them again, he opens his mouth to tell them about the cleansing, his red blood, the cross necklace he was still wearing. But the Father grabs him by his curls again and hauls him downstairs.

"Flug!" Cäcilie yells, still trapped on her bed. "Let him go! What are you doing?! You've all gone insane!"

"Silence!" Berith's voice booms through the whole house and forces both their mouths closed. He trips on the last step and crashes into the Father's shoulder. For this he's rewarded with a hard tug on his hair that sends him to his knees and choking down a silent whimper. Esther's dress flows around her ankles as she steps past his kneeling form and stops in front of him. He stares at the pointed toes of her yellow heels, trying to think of a way to get out of this, to make them see reason or get away to the market just down the street. Someone would see him and help.

"Ajah will be in by the time we get there." She says, lightly batting the Father's hand away from his hair. It takes a moment for him to get his fingers free but Flug nearly sighs at the relief spreading through his scalp with nothing pulling on it. Though it only lasts a moment before the handcuffs are grabbed and his arms are pulled up in a way they shouldn't be. His mouth opens in a silence yelp as he quickly stands to stop the pain.

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