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As Flug opened his eyes, the first thing he noticed was a familiar silhouette in the doorway. BlackHat. He jolts up in bed with a quiet gasp.

Hope and excitement fluttered in his chest, so much so he nearly grinned. He'd be out of here soon. Be back in the manor and have 5.0.5 to read to and Dementia to scold. He actually came for him.

"Jefe?" He asks hopefully, moving further down on the bed, squinting to distinguish BlackHat's features in the dim lights. BlackHat gives his familiar, sinister chuckle and moves further in the room, leaving the door open.

"I've torn up half of Germany looking for you, Doctor." He says, monocle flashing in the moonlight coming from the window. "It's past time we leave this wretched country and return home."

"I need my bag," Flug says, remembering he was without it and pushing his hair over his scars. It was too late now. But something in the softness of BlackHat's expression made him feel shy and flustered. Never had he smiled at him like that. Like he was precious.

"No need, Doctor. Let's focus on getting you home." He says, tone sweet and smooth as he approaches the bed. Flug moves to stand up but finds he can't move his ankle.

BlackHat notices and pulls the cover away and frowns at the shackle on his ankle connecting him to the bedpost. With one quick swipe of his claw, he breaks the metal cuff off and lifts Flug from the bed and sets him on the ground.

Quickly, the human turns away from BlackHat to hide his flushed face and peers out the door. No one was in the hallway.

"Jefe, did you pass Tšernobog on your way here?" He asks and turns back to him. The demon pulls a disgusted face and scoffs, strolling from the room casually.

"That was that lowlife's name?" He snarls as Flug quickly joins his side. "I took care of him." He says. That eases Flug's nerves, however, he didn't stop from looking around the halls as they slowly made their way away from the room.

"Jefe," Flug hesitates when BlackHat looks over at him. Seeming to notice his apprehension, he gives Flug another one of those oddly amazing smiles and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"No need to be afraid, Doctor." He says and Flug allows himself to relax into his touch. He was going to be free soon. He was so close. "Don't you see? You're mine now." BlackHat's voice changes into Tšernobog's as he spoke.

Flug's blood ran cold. His eyes snapped open and he ripped himself away from BlackHat. A moment later BlackHat's skin melts away and morphs back into Tšernobog, grinning at him wildly.

"What's wrong, Doctor? Surprised I'm not you Jefe?" He teases and stalks towards Flug like a feral animal on the hunt. Quickly he backs away until his back bumps the wall and Tšernobog is inches away, breath coming out in growls and hisses. His eyes wild, looking like he might tear out Flug's throat.

"Am I not who you want me to be?" He snarls, a hand quickly coming up and clasps at Flug's throat. The human gasps and attempts to pry the hand away but to no avail.

He lets him struggle for a few long moments before softening his grip. Flug gasps for breath, lightly clawing at his hand. Tšernobog leans in closer to the human, eyes half-lidded.

"Or is it just you're the shy type?" He purrs. This flip of a coin temper change had Flug's already panicky mind reeling. No longer did he look like he might murder him, more like he was the love of his life. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of that shell."

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