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Cäcilie lifts her head from her pillow, blanket slipping off her shoulder. Looking over to Jefecito in his bed she lets out a small breath. She knew he was the 'Jefe' Flug hadn't wanted to leave. He had the same voice and air around him the demon in the bar had. What had surprised her was that he had actually tracked Flug down. And not to maul him for running off, but to bring him home. Or what the demon thought of home. The two had come to an agreement that they would work together to get Flug out of whatever situation they had him in. He was confident in his abilities despite his current state and assured her Berith would be easily disposed of.

Slipping out from underneath the covers she reaches up and pulls the rubber band from her hair. Snowy white hair tumbles down her shoulder, still slightly damp from her shower earlier that afternoon. The air is cold outside of her bed and it makes her want to curl right back up. Jefecito shifts quietly in his bed, sheets rustling. His true intentions weren't clear. Yes, he wanted to bring Flug back to America and away from these people. But for what purpose? If he was going to hurt him himself, she didn't know what she'd do to him. But it wouldn't be pleasant. Then again, why travel across an entire country to just torture him himself? Hubris? Greed?

She'd never known a demon to want a human for anything other than a slave or a toy to play with until it breaks. Jefecito seemed to be the gleaming example of everything a demon ought to be. Sinfully proud, arrogant in every sense of the word, possessive, blood thirsty. The absolute, merciless rage sparked in his eyes when he spoke about what he would do to all the church patrons. While she had raged all day against Berith the morning Flug had been taken, her own fury hadn't come close to his own.

Creeping down the stairs she makes her way into the bathroom, locking the door quietly before pushing the shower curtains back to ensure she was alone. With a sigh she pulls them back and sets about what she had woken up to do. After washing and drying her hands she hesitates to open the door. Berith had retired for the night before the two of them, opting to miss out on this night's dinner. But still, she didn't know if he would be prowling around outside in the dark corners. She wasn't sure if the presence alone of Jefecito tipped him off or if he had heard their initial conversation. But he seemed deeply displeased with him being here.

Biting her lip she grabs the handle and pushes the door open and squeezes her eyes closed. When nothing happens she peers an eye open. No one was there. With a relieved breath she steps out and quietly makes her way back up into the loft. When she returns Jefecito is sitting at the foot of Flug's bed, examining something in his hands.

"You're up late, girl." He mutters without looking up from his hands. She makes her way back to her bed and slips beneath the covers, reveling in the warmth against her skin.

"You are too." She says. He looks up, dark eyes connecting with hers.

"Yes, well I have something to attend to." He mutters and turns the object over in his hand. Peering over curiously she catches sight of the object. It was a golden lavaliere in the shape of a goat's head. Its horns and eyes decorated with rubies.

"What is that?" She asks, leaning over the side of her bed for a better look. He turns his head towards her, gaze flicking back towards the jewelry in his palms.

"It's a bewitched item." He says bluntly. "It is taking small amounts of my magic and storing it inside. For what purpose I am unsure."

"It's taking your magic?"

"Magic isn't the entirely right word but that's the best your species came up with, so yes. Minute amounts as to not hinder my normal functions, but while I rest it extracts excess magic and absorbs it."

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