Chapter 3 - Spaces between us

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Time to read Larry! Enjoy!

It was Harry's rest day. That means he could wake up late and no one would disturb him. No calls from his road manager. No interviews. No photo shoots. It was just him on his massive bed with curtains closed in a dark room. It felt good to be lazy sometimes.

            All of a sudden he heard something downstairs, a clanking of plates and pans, specifically in his kitchen. As far as he knew he was alone. His maids and cleaners were scheduled to have their day off today. He smelt something delicious that made him hungry.

            With a heavy eyelids, he got up wearing only his boxers. He climbed down the stairs and slowly walked towards the kitchen to check if there was an intruder in his luxurious mansion. He was sighed when he saw the intruder that overused his kitchen tools and ate almost all of his food in his fridge.


            "Jesus Christ! Harry!"

"Bro, what the hell are you doing in my kitchen?!" He shouted that made his long-term best friend jumped.

            "Harry! You surprised me!" Niall sighed.

            "Surprised? You intruded my house without even asking permission and abused my special kitchen! Who do you think should be more surprised?"

            "I'm hungry!"

            "You're always hungry!"

"Well, I have been here for thirty minutes or so. I went to your room and saw you were still asleep. I don't want to disturb you so I decided to check your fridge to look for something to eat." His friend explained. "Hey! You should thank me for I cooked your breakfast! And stop shouting at me, will you?"

"I'm sorry. What are you doing here, anyway?"

"To visit you, obviously. I just arrived from London."

            "So you came all the way from London, just to eat something?" He jokingly asked.

            "Actually, yes!" Then, both of them laughed. They hugged each other. Both missed each other. "I missed you, Bro!"

            "I missed you, too!"

It has been a long time since they hadn't met. It had been months since the last time they had a dinner date when Niall was scheduled his world tour in LA.

While they were eating breakfast, they were talking about their works and their future projects.

"How's Vien?"

"She is doing good. She was again left in London because you know, as she said, a teacher should set an example to the students. So she can't be absent."

"No plans of having baby?"

"We do, actually. We are still sorting things out."

"What's up with you now?" Harry asked.

"I am currently working on my fourth album now. Obviously, I had to attend series of meetings and discussion with the management."

"Oh yeah! That's good, bro! Good for you!"

"Thanks, but too much stress and pressure, though. You know?!"

"Well, for sure you can do it! It will be a worldwide hit again!" He was very proud of his friend's accomplishment. He did very well becoming a solo country music artist. He always believed in his friend because of the talent that he has and his creative inputs.

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