Chapter 21 - I show you my heart

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Harry's POV

As I opened my eyes, I welcomed my new day with a smile on my face thinking of what happened last night. I couldn't believe Louis and I confessed our true feelings for each other and agreed that we will face whatever comes on our way. I remembered our exchange and never ending kissing that we had. We stayed sitting together in front of the fire up until midnight talking about the past and during the times that we separated and now that we were back together. And as much as I wanted to sleep beside him, I respected him so much and just take everything one step at a time. So, we just ended staying in our different tents.

When I stepped out of my tent, Louis wasn't around, so I checked him in his tent still sleeping on his side positing like a baby making me smiled. I admired how beautiful he is inside and out.

I gave him time to sleep and just started having my morning ritual like brushing my teeth, washing my face and shaving my facial hair. Then, I proceeded to cooking for our meals. However, it was almost noon time yet, Louis was still asleep. I quietly went inside his tent for the first time, sat beside him and just stared at him for so long.

"How long have you been staring at me?" Louis said opening his right eye and smiled at me.

"You got me there! Good morning, Love!" I greeted. I kissed him on the cheek.

"Good morning, angel! How's your sleep?"

"Better! Yours?"

"Great! It was kinda cold though, but I can manage."

"I already cooked for our breakfast and our take away lunch so we won't be hungry when we are in the falls. Time to get up now, lazy baby!"

I was about to stand but he pulled me down to lay next to him. He lifted my arms so he could position to rest his head on my chest and put his hands on my torso. He wanted to cuddle therefore I gave him what he wanted. And besides, how dare I was to resist him? I would love to be with him since the day we came here.     

"Thirty more minutes... Okay?"

"Alright, love. Go back to sleep then." And I kissed his forehead and gently stroking his hair until he got back to sleep.

When the time was up, we busied ourselves to prepare to go to our secret paradise. He carried our take away food, soap and shampoo, while I brought bottles of water and beer cans. I also made sure to bring my camera with me so we could take pictures of this remarkable moment of ours.

We spent the whole day there just enjoying the scenery as we swam from one pool to another which ended us, playing around by splashing water and chasing after one another. We jumped over the big rocks going all the way to the pool and thought of having a contest for who could dive the best. We recorded them and thought of asking Freddie to judge once we came back and agreed that the loser would be a slave for one week. I was confident with my performance though. I couldn't wait for the result.

Once we got tired, we laid down the rocks exposing and absorbing our backs from the heat of the sun making our skin tanned.

"Enjoying yourself there, Haz?" Louis asked.

"Yeah! I love this place. Plus I could spend my time just only with you and no one else. No paparazzi! Just a normal life being with you." I said holding his hand and kissed the top of it. "How did you take it?"

"What do you mean?" He was now looking in my direction.

"You know, a normal life. How did you accept that this is already your life after everything?"

He sat up in a crisscrossing position. "Uhmm... This is the life that I chose so it never became difficult for me. But you know what was the hardest in this process?"

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