The Dragon Tamer

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1:00 A.M.

"Queen Elsa...."

"Queen Elsa...."

She lifted her head in confusion looking around. "Huh?"

"Queen Elsa?!" She sat up moving her long platinum blonde hair away from her face then looked at her clock. "Queen Elsa." She heard a guard.

"What do you need?" she asked.

"You need to come quick it's an emergency!" The guard told her.

"What's the emergency?" she asked.


She lifted her head more. She heard of dragons from a book she read while she was in her room. "What do you mean, Dragons?" Elsa asked.

"I mean one broke into the Princess' room. There's three of them!"

Elsa stood up quickly going to her balcony. The Arendelle guard was right. Three dragons. Elsa studied the three dragons for a minute. Her knowledge of dragons isn't very good, but she recognized a Deadly Nadder, Monster Nightmare and what she amused to be a Stormcutter.

She heard Anna yell madly. Elsa's gaze flickered to the Deadly Nadder. It had her sister! "Anna!" she screeched sliding down the snow-covered roof from her balcony.

She was stopped when she heard Kristoff. Her gaze went him as he ran across the ice towards the Deadly Nadder. "Anna!" he yelled.

Elsa panicked when she saw a flaming figure behind him. A Monstrous Nightmare. "Kristoff!" She Yelled. He stopped and looked at her. He didn't have a lot of time before the Nightmare snatched him. "Kristoff!" she heard Anna yell.

"Hold on, Anna!" Elsa yelled throwing ice in the direction of the dragon hoping it would distract it. She stopped as a giant four-winged dragon landed in front of her. "Uh..." She stuttered as she backed away. It followed her. She stopped by a snowbank leaning against it. It stopped and sniffed her. She sighed in relief with the thought of it hurting her in the back of her mind.

Without a single warning, the Stormcutter grabbed her, taking flight while the other two dragons followed.

2:00 A.M.

Elsa grunted in pain as her body hit the cold hard ground. She looked up slowly observing her surroundings. She spotted Anna and Kristoff in the far corner. "Anna!" she yelled going to her.

"Elsa? what happened?" She asked.

"We were invaded by dragons, but we're okay now... I think." Elsa said looking around.

"Where are we anyway?" she mumbled. She heard growls in the distance. "Elsa..." Anna whimpered in fear.

Elsa looked at her. "We'll be fine, I promise."

Kristoff stared to the distance then tapped her shoulder. "I don't think we're going to be fine." He said.

"Why?" she asked turning around.

Surrounding them were many sets of glowing eyes. She stood up slowly with Kristoff and Anna at her back. "Whatever you do don't move. They'll attack." Elsa told them calmly, holding her hand out, ready to attack if she had to.

She heard Anna take a deep breath as she made a small snowflake to make light. Her snowflake faded out leaving them in the dark. "What now?" Kristoff asked.

Before his question was answered a bright flash of fire came from nowhere. Elsa's eyes followed the light. The light revealed the dragons hiding in the dark. From the shadows came a young man holding the stick of Fire. He moved it slowly as he remained still. The dragons seemed to be mesmerized by the fire following its every move. Elsa watched in amazement at this. The boy backed up making the dragons bow before him.

Elsa suddenly heard another growl from behind the boy. A black dragon appeared beside him. The dragon had a harness contraption hooked to him with a red cloth tail. Each dragon let out a screech as the boy stepped out to the moonlight a little. His appearance was revealed.

Elsa observed his appearance carefully as he continued to mesmerize the winged beasts with fire. He looked to have a lean, strong build. She could not make out his face for he was wearing a spiked masked helmet where she could only see his faded green eyes.

The young man's outfit was partly leather around his upper body with what appears to be a type of armour along with arm brackets that seem to all be designed by himself. His pants are dark brown and have straps around them with a leather boot for his right foot. His left leg was missing and replaced with the more mechanical designed used as a leg.

"Who's that?" Kristoff whispers about the man to Elsa.

"I don't know. But he has a way with these dragons. I'd suggest not to mess with him." Elsa said to him slowly. The young man calmed the dragons slowly shutting the sword off, putting it away. He turned to Elsa and Anna, his gaze pale and focused. Elsa watched him as he slowly takes off his helmet revealing his face. Elsa stared at him observing him carefully.

She noticed he has auburn hair parting to his right which is somewhat unkempt and scraggy with a couple of grey streaks despite his young-looking age. He also had two small braids behind his right ear and minor freckles on his cheeks as well a small, white scar just below his bottom lip. Elsa stared at him locking eyes with him. His gaze still looked pale and faded. She looked at the grey streaks in his hair. He looked like he'd be in his early teen years, but Elsa knew he's far too young to have the grey hair.

The boy continued to stare at them keeping a close look at Elsa. Before anything was said the boy turned away leaving with the black dragon. Elsa stared at him as he left. Anna tapped on her shifter lightly. "So you know him?" she asked.

"No. I don't." She echoed. "But I have a feeling he knows me."

How To Fix A Shattered Soul [Frozen/How to Train Your Dragon] {Hiccelsa} EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now