Hiccup's 'Deal'

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This is sorta a recap of the prologue. I have it here because it was the last memory Hiccup had before, he was taken over.... So... Yeah. Read on.

12:10 A.M.

"You remember him?" Elsa asked him.

"Eh. Yeah." Hiccup sighed standing up slowly.

"But I don't remember from where." He added. "I don't remember how I know him, or what he meant to me." Elsa looked at him again. Hiccup sighed again, before suddenly grasping his head in pain.


"Hiccup's it's not safe here." Jack hissed to me.

"We'll be fine, Jack. We have Toothless." I assured. "Besides," I started. "It's not like someone going to come and slaughter us. We're in Iceland's."

"Wild Dragons." Jack hissed slowly.

I looked back at him with a smirk. "Really? That's the best you could come up with? Jack, I trained a Night Fury, I think I can control a couple of wild dragons."

Jack grunted flying up a little to catch up to me."What about Pitch. What if he gets out?" he asked me.

"You and the other Guardians destroyed him forever ago," I replied with a smirk.

"Yes, I know!" Jack started with a proud smile. "But that doesn't mean enemies don't come back. I mean. You and Alvin have been at it for a while haven't you."

I looked at him. "Yes. But we made a truce to save my dad from Dagger." I snarled madly in defence.

"Enemies do come back Hiccup," Jack argued.

"Okay." Toothless suddenly started to snarl. I stopped walking, Jack stopped flying then leaned on his staff. "What's wrong bud?" Toothless continued to snarl.

"Well, well, well if it isn't Jack Frost himself."

Jack whipped around to the darkness holding his staff out threateningly. "Pitch!" he hissed guarding me.

"You're right again. Frost." Jack watched as Nightmare Sand floated around him when Pitch came down. "I thought I'd find you here. You like the cold." Pitch started calmly.

Jack seemed to calm a little but still stayed guard for me. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Nothing much, but for you to join me," Pitch explained.

"Never in a million years."

"Thought so." Pitch's attention turned to Toothless and I. Jack caught on to it quickly. "Now him, on the other hand, seems useful." He told Jack bouncing to Toothless and I.

I looked at him with slight confusion. "I'm sorry. I'm confused."

"Don't be," Pitch told me. "It's simple." "You have the potential like no other, Dragon Boy," Pitch explained to me allowing black sand to float around Me.

I reluctantly swatted the sand away. "Potential?"

Jack quickly butt in. "Don't you even think about hurting him." He snarled. As soon as he said that, I froze. Pitch looked offended. "Hurt him? Why would I hurt him? He's far too valuable to be torn to pieces."

"I wouldn't dare harm someone so close to you."

"I know you're game. You're just going to drag him in and crush him." Jack sneered. Pitch ignored it going to Me. Unsure, I stayed by Toothless. "Hiccup. Why don't we make a little deal?" Pitch asked him.

I narrowed his eyes. "Mm. No thanks."

Pitch's nice look instantly turned to cold fire. "How about this." He said forming an image from Nightmare sand. My gaze widens in fear. My gaze was locked in the black sphere.

"You join me, or all you're loved one and all your friends will be eliminated! Including this pet dragon of yours."

"Hiccup, don't listen to him. He's only trying to take over you." Jack yelled.

I didn't react to his words. I stayed still staring into the sphere. Finally, I closed his eyes looking away. "Fine," I said in a low shaky voice. "I'll join you." I retort. "But you leave my friends and family out of it."

Pitch's smile grew at the answer. Jack looked at me. "Hiccup?" I had no reply.

"Very good choice." Pitch sneered letting Nightmare sand flow around me. I watched the sand looking confused. Toothless snarled wrapping his tail protectively around me.

"What are you doing to him?" Jack hissed protectively.

"Don't worry Jack Frost. This will only hurt him a little bit."

"You said no harm!" Jack hissed.

"This isn't going to harm him-" I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my chest. Yelping in pain, I collapsed to the icy ground clutching my chest. I continued to fight pain when it stopped all at once. My arm fell to the ground keeping myself up. My other hand was still on my chest.

Jack looked to Pitch them back to me. He glanced at Pitch again. The coloured mist still floated in his hand in circular form. I cough silently regaining full consciousness slowly standing up with the Night Fury's help. I looked up opening my eyes. Jack gazed at me then to Pitch. The last thing I remember was Pitch's words. "He's mine now."


Hiccup stumbled backwards, hitting a stack of wood, falling into it. His balance gave away instantly. The shelf above gave away, causing everything to fall. Elsa watched him fall, she watched every item on is shelf fall on top of him. "Hiccup?"

Hiccup lifted a black cloth that covered his face looking out. "It's all coming back." He gasped. "Jack, The Big Four, My Village. Everything else. It's coming back." He added his voice shaky.


"Pitch took it all... I had a life... It's gone now... He took it all.."

"Hiccup!?" The two froze as another voice called his name. Pitch. "Hiccup?" Hiccup struggled to get out of the woodpile. "Hiccup, what are you doing in there?" He struggled more. Elsa watched him, not sure what to do. "Hiccup, are you hurt?"

At that time, Pitch had entered the room, glowing the lantern light on the two. He glared at Elsa, then to Hiccup. "What did you do to him?!" He hissed at Elsa.

"I did--" Elsa started when she got cut off.

"I fell..." Hiccup cut her off, as Toothless helped him out of the pile.

Pitch's gaze turned to Hiccup. "You fell?" He asked and Hiccup nodded. "And she had nothing to do with this?"

"Nope. All me. Hence the part where I said, I fell." Pitch's gaze burned with anger.

"Take her back to her room!" He hissed. Hiccup remained still. "I said--"

"I heard you."

"Then do it."

Hiccup looked to Elsa, then back to Pitch. "I don't want to."

"You don't want to?" 

"Did you not hear me?" Hiccup narrows the bright blue gaze.

"I. Don't. Want. To." Pitch calmed for a moment.

"Fine." He started. "I'll take her back to her room." He said as two guards appeared beside him. "And they will take you back to yours." Elsa swallowed hard, as Hiccup reluctantly obeyed. She watched Hiccup leave. She didn't move. Pitch turned to her. Sure, he thought he won with Hiccup. But what he didn't know, is, Hiccup had half his memory back.

How To Fix A Shattered Soul [Frozen/How to Train Your Dragon] {Hiccelsa} EDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now