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A quarter of the term had passed, and the threat of pre-holiday exams begun to loom over the castle. Harry was studying his hear out, focusing on the classes he wasn't as proficient at like Transfiguration. The only student who didn't seem worried was Ron Weasley. He was more concerned with finding people to play him in chess or discuss Quidditch.

Harry had found a study buddy in Blaise, which also meant that he had less time to research the Chamber. Harry hadn't even found time to talk to Myrtle, who he assumed was the student who died. In better news, Harry found that he and Daphne were on speaking terms once again. After the Herbology class, Daphne began joining Harry for study sessions in the library. That did mean that Blaise and Tracy would spend the whole time making googly eyes at each other while they played footsie under the table. It was late on a Friday and Harry was ready to take the next off to deep dive into Chamber research when he felt a presence that he had not felt all year.

Anubis had been exerting her control over the forest for the last few months, the centaurs were hard creatures to break. She had their leader Bane in control and so the rest followed. The Acromantula's leader/father Aragog was also difficult but was quickly swayed when Anubis dispatched his so-called "greatest" warrior. Anubis and Harry had a symbiotic relationship and as it grew, so did them. Before they met, Anubis was small and weak, the runt of her litter. Grim were not so easily captured, but she had been cast out by her mother. Thus, she was unable to grow as she had no one to support her. With Harry, she could feed off his magic and in return share her skills and power. Currently, their connection wasn't strong enough for Harry to have gained anything, but it was a matter of time until then.

Anubis found that Aragog once lived in the castle fifty years ago. His friend Hagrid kept him in a broom cupboard and would bring him food. Then the attacks started happening and a boy called Tom Riddle accused Hagrid of killing a young girl. Aragog was found out and was accused of being the beast that killed her. To ease tensions, Hagrid was expelled and Aragog was sentenced to be killed. Hagrid was able to convince those in power, with the help of one Professor Dumbledore, that Aragog could be used to protect the forest. He would have children and follow Hagrid's orders. Since then, his family had grown extensively in the deepest part of the woods. Until a stranger showed and laid claim to the Forbidden Forest.

Now he was waylaid in any action that was not passed through Anubis. She was powerful, there was no question about that, but she was also young, that means that she was brash and inexperienced. She could fight and survive, but she could not plan for the future. Thankfully, she was aware of her short fallings and, after securing her power began to travel between the creatures that live in the forest. She would go to the Centaurs to learn how to look past the obvious. She would speak with the unicorns to discover her own emotions and internal growth, and she would speak with Aragog to better understand the realities of the world around her.

Anubis had only spoken with Harry one other time once school had started. They shared their tales of what has happened so far, and Anubis agreed to help the young wizard in his search for the Chamber of Secrets.

Today, she was talking with Aragog when she brought up the topic of the Chamber to him. whatever reaction she was expecting was not what happened. Aragog began frothing at the mouth, shifting agitatedly and breaking his own web. His children started to react in a similar manner until Anubis exerted her power over them to calm them. See, the control Anubis gained wasn't just in the title she claimed, it was an actual force that was ingrained in the entirety of the forest. Once she learned how to harness and control it, she could do the same with all the creatures that called the place home.

Aragog told her the story of how the attacks began, Hagrid would talk to him. once Hagrid explained how a girl had died and that he was a suspect, Aragog escaped his crate and searched for the source. He only discovered what killed the girl due to an instinctual realization. See, spiders, all spiders, feared snakes above all. Aragog was using the castles pipes to go from place to place when he discovered a passageway that leads farther down than any other, he had explored.

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