Chapter 1: Saying Goodbye

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Katniss P.O.V.

"Is that all Madge?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's everything." She replies.

"Good, let's go." I say as I start walking towards the door. I stop when I hear sniffling. I turn around to see my little sister Prim crying.

"Katniss, do you really have to go?" she asks.

"Come here little duck."I say. She runs unto ny arms. I hug her tight and whisper in her ear, "I'll be back before you know it and I'm just a phone call away, I'll even come home on Christmas and Thanksgiving."

"You promise?" She asks.

"I pinky swear." I say holding out my pinky for her. She links hers around mine and let's go. I kiss her cheek before going over to my hysterical mother.

"I'm going to miss you so much but I'm not going to beg you to stay. I just want you to know I'm so proud of you and that I love you no matter what." She says.

"Thanks mom, I love you too and I'm going to miss you too." I say and embrace her in a warm hug. I then walk over to my Stepfather Plutarch.

"Katniss I'm so proud of you and I just want you to be happy even though we've had problems in the past I want you to know I love you and I'm going to miss you." He says.

I can't believe I was so mean to him.


"You aren't ever going to be my dad, I hate you!" I yelled.

"Katniss please listen to me-"

"No just leave me the hell alone! Stop trying to be nice to me because I hate you!"

-----------end of flashback-----------------------

I embrace him tightly in a hug.

"I'm so sorry for being so mean to you all the time all I ever did was push you away and you wanted to do was help me. " I say.

"Katniss it's okay." He says wiping tears from my cheeks.

"Group hug!" Prim yells. We all hug each other really tight.

"Um Katniss, we really need to go now or we'll miss our flight." Madge says.

"Bye Katniss we love you and we'll miss you." They say as I walk out the door. I blow them a kiss and get into the car. Madge starts the car and the song 'Amnesia' by 5 seconds of summer cones on. We sing all the way to the airport. Once we get to the airport we unload our luggage and board the plane. It takes off after half an hour. I look out the window and mentally say goodbye to home.

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