Friday Night Plans

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Maya's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock with a massive headache. I laid there in bed for another ten minutes not wanting to move.

"Maya, you have to get up for school," Shawn said popping his head in.

"Uhhh," I groaned, rolling over in my bed and pulling the blanket over my face. "My head is pounding," I complained.

"Hangovers suck," my mom says standing next to Shawn in the doorway. "Don't drink next time."

I screamed into my pillow but slowly get up out of bed. I put on clothes and grabbed an apple from the dish in the kitchen.

"Be home at 5," mom said. "We're having dinner as a family tonight."

"Do we have to?" I asked. "It's a Friday night."

"Yes, it would be a nice thing to do."

"Actually, Katy," Shawn started. "I'm gonna be upstate all weekend for work. I leave at three-thirty."

"If Shawn's going upstate, can I go with him?" I asked.

"Sure, why not?" he said.

"Um, no," mom said. "You can't go upstate with Shawn, Maya."

"Then can I go to Riley's?" I asked.

"Why doesn't Riley come upstate with us?" Shawn offered.

"She'd love to come," I tell him.

"No, Maya is grounded for drinking, Shawn. She can't go."

Shawn pulled my mom aside.

"I know that, but I can't help but feel like its partly our fault she was drinking," he whispered to her.

"How are we the reason she was drinking?" my mom asked.

"Cause we're almost always fighting," he said plainly. "Maybe if she has a fun weekend to relax with a friend, she'll straighten out."

Mom thought it over and must've agreed because now she's letting me go.

"When you get back on Sunday, you're grounded again and are doing your homework, young lady."

"Thanks, mom. I love you," I said hugging her before packing a bag and heading to Riley's.

Riley's POV

I was singing while brushing my hair like I usually do getting ready for school when I heard a knock on my window.

I looked and saw Maya with the widest grin on her face.

"Are you grounded?" I asked confused by her smile.

"Yep," she said still smiling.

"And they took your phone?"


"Why are you so happy then?"

"My stepdad is going upstate for work this weekend and said I could bring a friend along," she told me.

"Is that an invitation?" I asked smugly.

"No, I thought I'd just tell you to watch you suffer," she said sarcastically. "Yes, I'm inviting you."

"I have to ask my parents first."

"MOM!" I screamed. 

"What is it, Riley?" my mom asked from down the hall.

"Can I go upstate with Maya for the weekend?"

"Sure," she said almost immediately, which I expected since she trusts me a lot.

"Like an overnight?" my dad asked panicked.

"Yes, dad, an overnight," I responded.

"No boys, right?" he worriedly asked.

"Nope, no boys, Mr. Matthews," Maya shook her head. 

He put his hand on his chest as if he was finally catching his breath. "You can go, Riley."

I rolled my eyes before turning to Maya.

"Then I accept, but I do have one question. If you're grounded, how did you convince your parents to let you go?"

"My mom was completely against it but my stepdad got her to think that it was their fault I was drinking so she let me go," she said nonchalantly.

"Were you drinking because of me?" I asked, it was eating at me this whole time. "Was it because of what I said?"

"It doesn't matter," she said. "We're friends, that's what matters."

"When do we leave?" I asked.

"Three-thirty, so pack a bag to bring to school."

I nodded my head. "Stay for breakfast and walk to school together?" I asked.

"Sorry, I have to get there early for some meeting with my guidance counselor."

"What did you do this time?" I asked playfully.

"I have no idea, there's such a backlog of offenses I'm still waiting to get caught for," she smirked.

"Goodbye, Maya," I rolled my eyes as she disappeared down the fire escape.

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