The Last Visit

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Riley's POV

"Riley, I can't," Maya groaned from under the covers.

"Yes, you can. We have to go to school," I reminded her.

"Can't we play hooky? Just for today?"

"My dad's a teacher, we can't. Promise me you'll stop skipping."

"Fine," she groaned sluggishly pulling herself out of bed. "I feel like I got hit by a bus."

We headed downstairs and sat at the kitchen table. 

Maya's POV

I woke up to Riley standing next to the bed shaking me. She told me we had to get up for school. I groaned at the thought. Between how late I fell asleep and the meds I took, I felt like all the energy in my body was zapped out or something.

Nonetheless, I managed to drag myself out of Riley's bed and made my way down to the kitchen. Riley's mom set a bowl of oatmeal down in front of each of us.

"No, thank you, Mrs. Matthews," I declined as politely as possible. "I don't really eat breakfast."

"But you barely at any of your dinner yesterday," she pointed out.

"I know, but I'm not really hungry," I told her honestly.

I've never really eaten meals like most people do. I'd eat lunch at school and whenever I was hungry at home when my mom's job was able to put food in the house. But after long periods where there wasn't extra food, my hunger levels went down and they haven't really recovered.

Riley's mom stopped what she was doing and turned to face me. 

"Eat the oatmeal, I'm not asking, Maya," she said so seriously it was a little intimidating.

"Just eat the oatmeal," Riley whispered to me.

I nodded and forced myself to eat a couple spoonfuls. It was actually pretty good. I would've even considered eating more if my stomach didn't feel so full that I would throw up.

We went back to her room to get ready for school.

When we got there, we parted ways to get to our separate classes.

"Maya Hart to the main office," the secretary called over the loudspeaker.

"Yes," I said groggily when I got there.

"Are you drunk again?" the vice principal asked.

"No, no," I quickly said. "I swear. I'm just on some prescribed medication."

"Very well. I'm sorry to inform you, but you can no longer be here."


"It seems your parents have enrolled you at a new school down in North Carolina. They have been notified and are on their way here."

Riley's POV

"Dad, have you seen Maya?" I asked when it was time to go home.

I hadn't seen Maya all day, but we don't have any classes together today anyway.

"I think you should head home, Riley," he said.

"I know, that's why I asked if you knew where Maya was."

"Maya can't walk home with you."

"Why not? What happened?"

"She left."

My dad wouldn't tell me anything else no matter how much I begged him.

I went straight to my room. I opened my window and stared at it in hopes that Maya would come through it, but she never did.

I kept trying to call and text her. After about the millionth time, she responded.

"I'm leaving for North Carolina with my dad. Bye, Riley," Maya's message read.

When night came, I searched my fire escape in the darkness with my phone flashlight just as I did the night I met Maya. I knew she was long gone by now, but I still had one last shred of hope.

I was about to give up my search and accept reality when I heard a loud bang.

"Fuck," I heard a familiar voice yell.

"Maya?" I asked desperate for confirmation.

"I hit my head on the fucking railing," she cursed under her breath.

"What happened to you, Maya?"

"I just told you. I hit my head on the fucking railing," she repeated.

"No, I mean why are you here? You told me you left over text," I crossed my arms.

"I know, but I came back."

"Why? To say goodbye? To get drunk? To leave again?"

"Please don't be mad with me, Riley."

"Why shouldn't I be?"

"Because I like you," she admitted. "And I couldn't take living in North Carolina if I knew you were mad at me here."

"You like me? Like more than a friend?" I asked surprised.

"I like you like way more than a friend, and I needed you to know before I left."

She stepped closer to me and pulled me into a kiss.

"I don't know when I'm coming back," she said. "But I hope you'll be here waiting for me."

And that ended the fire escape visits.


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