Lucas the Good

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Maya's POV

I took my time getting to school, making sure I'd get there after I was told to. They can't tell me what to do.

I got there and put my bag for the weekend in my locker and then stood idly waiting for more time to pass just to piss off the guidance counselor.

"Hey, Maya," I heard from across the hall.

"Hey, Heehaw," I said turning around. 

"What are you doing here so early?" he asked.

"I was going to ask you the same thing," I retorted.

"I had an early morning basketball practice," he explained.

"I have a meeting with my guidance counselor."

"Oh, what time?"


"Maya!" he exclaimed. "It's almost 7:40!"

I brought my hand up to my right temple. "Could you keep it down, Huckleberry," I said rubbing the side of my forehead. "My head was pounding this morning."

"That's what happens when you drink. Next time–"

"Save it," I stopped him. "I already heard it from my mom this morning."

"Speaking of your mom, how are things with her and Shawn?"

"Fine, I found out some shit, but things are fine."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.


"Are you sure, cause I'm here if you need someone to listen," he pushed.

"I found out that Shawn was a relapsing alcoholic that hit my mom twice when I was younger," I said angrily out of frustration. "My mom also confirmed that my father was an abusive drunk before he took off. Are you happy I told you now?" I glared at him.

"I'm sorry, Maya. I was just trying to help," he said sadly.

"No, I'm sorry, Lucas," I sighed. "Things with them are fine. They're letting me go upstate with Riley this weekend."

"I thought you were grounded."

"I am, how'd you know?"

"Riley texted me last night. You didn't call her so she assumed you were grounded and had your phone taken away. So if you are grounded," he said. "Why do you get to go upstate with Riley all weekend?"

"Shawn guilted my mom into letting me go," I laughed. "They think their fighting is the reason I was drinking."

"So what was the reason?" Lucas asked.

Of course he had to ask that question, everyone does.

"It's just, I–"

"Maya Hart!" a voice yelled.

I looked and saw my guidance counselor walking through the hallway.

"Our meeting was for 7:15, you're over a half-hour late."

"Sorry, Mr. Boldan," I said shrugging my shoulders. It sounded more like a question.

"In my office," he said motioning to me.

"See ya, Ranger Rick," I said walking to the office.

"Mr. Friar, get to class," he said.

"But, sir, class doesn't start for another fifteen minutes," Lucas said.

"I know," Mr. Boldan said. "You gotta make sure you're not late for being early. You're Lucas the Good."

Lucas leaned his head back and let out a sigh of defeat, knowing I'd heard their conversation. 

"Is that gonna stick?" He groaned.

"I'm already making t-shirts," I eagerly said, walking away with the biggest smirk on my face.

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