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Riley's POV

A whole week had passed and the incident with the blonde-haired girl completely escaped me, it had to, I had another competition the next weekend. On several occasions, I would talk to her from my room while she was out on the fire escape, but all thoughts of her soon left after she did due to my needing to focus on the competition.

It went just as it did last week, my parents telling me they were proud of me and me noticing something as I got ready for bed. This time I noticed some of my makeup brushes' positions had changed slightly.

"Maya," I said with my arms crossed walking into my bedroom.

"How'd you know?" She said popping her head through my window.

"I just did," I told her. "You know you can just ask me to use them, right?"

"I know," she said. "I'm sorry."

"What are you doing outside?" I asked her. "It's like twenty degrees!" I said pulling her all the way in.

"I was just going for a walk," she defended.

"Who the heck goes on a walk at this hour in the freezing cold!"

"Someone who thinks it's better than hearing her parents fight," she quietly said. "Can I stay here? Just for tonight, I promise I'll be gone before you get up tomorrow morning."

"I don't know, Maya," I said unsure of what my parents would think of me letting a random girl sleep over without their permission.

She looked down at her feet. "Never mind, I can just go home if you want."

"No," I said stopping her from crawling out the window. "You can stay," I told her now sure of my answer.


"Yeah, we can even have breakfast together in the morning."

A wide smile formed on her face and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Do you want to borrow a pair of pajamas?"

"No, thanks, but I don't think anything would fit me," she said. "I'm like a hobbit."

I chuckled at her over exaggeration. I moved my throw pillows and got my bed ready to sleep in it. I got in and expected a slight weight to appear next to me, but it never did.

"Maya?" I called out.

"Yeah," she replied.

I sat up from my bed and turned my end table lamp on. "Where are you?"

"Down here," she called from the floor. "I didn't want to take up too much of your space, so I'm  sleeping on the floor."

After a few minutes of convincing and begging her not to sleep on the floor, she reluctantly agreed. She got up and carefully got into the bed. I turned the light off and went to sleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that Maya had curled herself up into the smallest ball at the edge of the bed. She was shivering a little due to her refusal to use my blanket.

I literally pulled her to be more in the center of the bed and laid the blanket down on top of her, her shivering ceasing almost immediately.

When the sun rose and woke me the next morning, Maya was still peacefully sleeping beside me. I started contemplating in my head whether or not to wake her up when her eyes fluttered open revealing two bright blue orbs staring back at me.

"Thanks for letting me sleep here," she said sleepily.

"No problem. Why don't we go downstairs and get breakfast."

She followed me down to the kitchen where my mom was. My mom was simultaneously trying to get Auggie's breakfast ready before he came down and getting ready for work.

"Hey, mom," I greeted.

"I didn't know you were having a friend over," my mom said while looking for her briefcase.

"Yeah, sorry, I forgot to tell you guys," I told them.

"That's alright, Riley. Just tell us next time," she said.

I made Maya and myself scrambled eggs. We ate them and cleared our plates when my dad and Auggie walked in.

"Who's your friend, Riley?" Auggie asked.

"This is—"

"Maya Hart," my dad interrupted.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked him, even I didn't know her last name was Hart.

"She's one of my students," he explained.

"Hi, Mr. Matthews," Maya waved.

"I've gotta get going to work, don't be late," my dad announced. "It was nice seeing you, Miss Hart."

Maya and I went back up to my room to get ready for school.

"So," she said slowly. "You are the Riley Matthews."

"Yeah," I said equally slowly. "And you are the Maya Hart."

This changes everything.


I hope you liked the first two chapters! As always, don't forget to vote and comment!

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